don't do that... I saw a doc where a british lady tried lab synthesized THC or "Marinol" (this is big-Pharma's attempt at "patentizing" and claiming EXCLUSIVE rights to legally sell the sweeeet herb) and she felt horrible, dizziness, nausea, even mild psychosis. Yet the day before she smoked some weed and she was giggling her ass off. I can't remember the name of the doc now but I know they discussed how marijuana's THC and cannabinoids work together to induce the high. It's not the THC alone that gets you high, even though it's proven that strains with more THC require less smoking to achieve the same effects, the variations of THC levels are easier to measure, while the cannabinoids are harder to identify let alone measure. So if you want to try THC alone go ahead, I don't think you'd like it though.... laterz!!!sounds like something I'd rather inject myself with. lol