Injecting plants with thc?

King Kaya

high! fellow smokers/growers. I was at the bar the other night and met a guy who also grows the fine herb. he claims to be "injecting" his plants with thc to make them more potent. I immediately called bullshit. anyone else heard of this or could shed some light on the subject


high! fellow smokers/growers. I was at the bar the other night and met a guy who also grows the fine herb. he claims to be "injecting" his plants with thc to make them more potent. I immediately called bullshit. anyone else heard of this or could shed some light on the subject

drunk people say all kinds of crazy shit. but ive never herd of no thc injecting


Well-Known Member
sounds like drunkard talk,never heard of injecting anything into a plant,thats like saying lets inject heroin in the plant to add a lil smazash to it,lol


Well-Known Member
there was a case a few months ago , of a bbc reporter injecting thc intravenously, so as to experience effect of cannabis, this i can believe as watched the documentary. but what the point of injecting a plant, you might aswell just shoot it into veins (medicinal reasons only)

King Kaya

that would be an interesting expierement. what if you put a little bud in a spoon with some water and heated it up to just under a boil, allowing the thc to be kept in the water? and inject yourself?

nevermind, sounds way too sketchy for me. lol


Well-Known Member
there was a case a few months ago , of a bbc reporter injecting thc intravenously, so as to experience effect of cannabis, this i can believe as watched the documentary. but what the point of injecting a plant, you might aswell just shoot it into veins (medicinal reasons only)

I seen that report.That lady got super stoned when they injected her with thc + cannabinoids and she freaked out when she got injected with pure thc


Well-Known Member
there was a case a few months ago , of a bbc reporter injecting thc intravenously, so as to experience effect of cannabis, this i can believe as watched the documentary. but what the point of injecting a plant, you might aswell just shoot it into veins (medicinal reasons only)
You're totally right. I remember seeing that. They injected her first with pure thc, and later with cbd. That chick went crazy first, then was all bummed out.


what i need to see this. how can someone be injected with thc? i only know it to be soluble in oils or alchohal or butane type shit all of wich are no good to inject


Well-Known Member
the programme was titled :should i smoke dope?; made by bbc3, you should find it somewhere in your search,,youtube etc etc


Well-Known Member
what i need to see this. how can someone be injected with thc? i only know it to be soluble in oils or alchohal or butane type shit all of wich are no good to inject
For the record, it was administered by a doctor. So it wasn't a home extraction of anykind. Just thought I'd throw that out there.


For the record, it was administered by a doctor. So it wasn't a home extraction of anykind. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

your not getting the point. thc is not waer soluble so how did he shoot her up with it?


Well-Known Member
the thc she was injected with was man made im sure.idk about the pure thc that lady just dont know what its like 2 be riped off your ass. i have heard of injecting plants water your fertilizer down 2 the required dose and hang an iv in your plant with a needle. if i had an iv i would expertiment with this. im also running another experiment im going 2 use a multi vitimin and minerals that people normally take and powderize it and feed it 2 a sick looking plant and c what it does


Well-Known Member
Something about shooting up THC would make me feel like a heroin addict, smoking out of glass bowls already makes me kinda feel like a crack head.