Initiate Flowering for Seedlings Before Bringing Outside


Active Member
First, I would like to apologize for posting this question because I have read the answer to my question before on this forum but can not for the life of me find that thread. Not really sure what to search for....

Anyways, I have a few plants that I will be bringing outside for guerrilla grow that is to be harvested in October. I had hopes of staggering my harvests so I can do a mini harvest in the middle of the summer to get me by till the major harvest.

I have read that after a certain period of a 12/12 light cycle, the plant will be far enough advanced in its flowering phase that it can go to longer light periods without reverting back to vegetative growth.

So, the plan is to veg a few plants about 2 weeks, then go to 12/12 for a few weeks, then put outside, harvest around a month after bringing it outside.

My succint and streamlined question is: How many weeks would a plant need to be on 12/12 before it is resistant to reverting to vegetative growth?


Well-Known Member
I think a better question may be hour many hours of light will screw up flowering. I say this because some say a plant will flower fine in 14 hours of light, but it is really strain dependent. U should be able to find a chart with sunrise/sunset times for your area. Try to find the time when there is less than 14-15 hours in between those times. It may work for you. If you have enough plants u will get harvests, but they may be a little premature. Good luck with your plan, sounds like a nice experiment.

Too bad u don't have autoflowers, u wouldn't have a problem then.


Well-Known Member
If you plan on harvesting during days longer than 12 hours you're going to need auto flower strains.

Unless of course you want to cover/uncover them daily ;)


Well-Known Member
the lengthening days after being in flower for a long time will confuse the plant and possibley cause it to hermie or just plain stop budding growth from properly happening at the end, which is when your plants gain alot of their weight and really swell up beautifully. Sorry, its not a bad theory, but it wont work like you want.


Active Member
I suppose my idea wouldn't be worth it. I am using feminized seeds so I wouldn't want to stress them too much anyways.

The only other option is to grow a few early June, switch to 12/12 after a week or two, then transplant outside in late July. Might give that a try.

I could have sworn that I read on here somewhere that at a certain point, I plant will fruit regardless on the light cycle after flowering has been firmly established.

Thanks for all the input fellas :)