Infra red marijana plant dector from helicopters

high land

New Member
can police dectet marijuana lants from helicopters by infra red deviceor is it a rumor to keep people from growing out side please send answer to my in box high land i have done time for poession do not want to do more time so answers only from people who really know thanks high land


Active Member
I have read that mj puts out a certain spectrum that can be picked up by infrared. Apparently other vegetation doesn't do this. I just read that in the last couple of days. Can't remember where now, if I recall, I will post a link. It made me paranoid to put plants on my deck, at least overnight.


Active Member
totally not true, how the hell is a plant putting off a certain spectrum? lol It's a fukin plant, it doesn't have a body temperature like an animal.


Well they can't actually detect the plants themselves but they can see the heat generated by the hps lamps. So if you're really stressed about that you should isolate the growroom walls and the ceiling with some polyfoam or rockwool - I guess that would mean better exhaust fan to get rid of the heat buildup in the room. Of course if you have just a few plants i think mylar should be enough.


Active Member
you can see them thats how you detect them a gun come on guys download a show called durgs inc and watch the one on mj will tell you everything you need to know


Active Member
no, i don't give a shit what a show says, its a plant, it doesn't show up in infared. Caponez was correct about them being able to see heat generated by hps lamps tho. sorry if im coming off as an ass.
common sense kids.

Infrared detectors cost $$
Helicopters with the detectors cost $$$$$$$$$

chances someone in the PD is using one in small town USA is slim to none.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
can police dectet marijuana lants from helicopters by infra red deviceor is it a rumor to keep people from growing out side please send answer to my in box high land i have done time for poession do not want to do more time so answers only from people who really know thanks high land
They most certainly can pick out cannabis from the surrounding vegetation. It's not exactly done with infra-red or FLIR, but we'll go with that. All plants reflect light at a genus specific wavelength, and by filtering out everything except that wavelength in a video feed, MJ stands out quite distinctly. Even plants in partial shade. Chances are that they don't have that capability, but the technology is there, usually at the Fed level, and is available to local authorities. It's also quite expensive to run since they have to pay the park service for the use of their helo, so when budget cuts hit, they cut way back on that type of surveillance.
Almost every Helo you see is most probably civilian aircraft, or the Cops doing a visual fly over. Park service Helos have FLIR in them and some have the Computer/video system as well.
A Buddy of mine worked for the Nat'l park service as a helo pilot, and he told me pretty much how they operate. The sheriffs dept has that available to them, but rarely use it here.


Also wasn't there a supreme court ruling that this technology couldn't be used without prior probable cause? So no random sweeps over residental neighborhoods to catch the dude with one plant in his closet. This tech is also too expensive to bother with for something small time. Now if you're running a large commercial operation, honestly by the time they have probable cause to use it you're likely already fucked with other evidence. You still have much more to fear from loose lips than that medivac flying over you.


Well-Known Member
ALL WRONG!!!!! when doing fly bys with infared police see THE HOLES that have been dug in nice neat rows,lots of animal dig holes, but only humans do it in straight lines. the infared (same as when searching for missing bodies) i dont know how, but the compacted earth looks diffrent than the tilled soft earth where the earth has been disturbed, its not hte plant itsself that they see they see a patch of uniform holes and then they inspect to find marijuanaplantation

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
im in the boat, they have the technology but its so expensive its not worth busting anything less than a couple hundred plant plot. for the average grower not a problem at all. The way i look at it. i hope they start spending billions and billions and billions just to pull up some plants and finally say fuckit. so the more the merrier, just stay away from patterns and huge spawling fields.

and as far as stuff on your property/ on the deck. all you have to worry about is someone seeing it while at your house. it really is amazing how many of us grow this wonderful plant and get away w no problems (especially outdoors)


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the stuff your talking about but i know it stands out from the air to a trained eye. people clear it out, plant them in bunches and thats why it stands out so much. i think if you plant 1 plant every acre or so it would be hard to detect.

i would just buy a cheap setup and grow indoors. its better anyways because your spending money on equipment, but would you rather be sitting in jail lol?


Well-Known Member
Jack is correct different plants reflect light differently. The same spectral technology used when looking at distant planets and unlocking their make up and chemical structure...and an outdoor grow will not be saved by illegal search and seizure statute by any lawyer.


Active Member
I can't recall the exact site I read it at... could have been a bunch of stoner paranoia for all I know. This link, "Is Weed Detection Possible From 2,000 Feet?" does show where they are able to detect various plants using aerial sensors. The waterhemp, which I presume is a relative, does display a specific signature (actually not a relative, but a form of amaranth). I highly doubt, as others have eluded, that this would be used randomly. Much too expensive.