Infra Red Dection of Marijuana Plants From Helicopters In The US

high land

New Member
can police use infrared device to find plants on the outside i have done some time for poession do not want to do more please send answer to my inbox only people whow really know about this topic like i said do noy want to do more time thanks high land


Well-Known Member
not going to lie to ya buddy. but i believe that 'infra red' detects heat. therefore you are not using any lights= no heat. I think you are ok. don't mean to be a smart a$$


Im pretty sure they cant see that shit with infrared light because thats basically "night vision" and thermal infared is used for heat.. In the crappy states like Kentucky which has the law in the air, trained to spot the light green leaf plants next to indigenous plants which are a much different color like brown, really dark green etc..


Well-Known Member
"night vision" is picking up a thermal image (infared from the guys body hiding in the bushes that the helicopter is chasing
a thermal image can be produced from the heat of grow lights when they are in attics etc
but not shiled by layes of concrete walls inside houses

you seem to be saying that the plant itself is emitting a heat image that can be detected, and a picture of the leaf produced from this plant emitting thermal image
i think you have got that bit in a muddle , as far as i know plants don't emit measurable heat themselves like grow lights and folk being chased by helicopters do
just a thought
peace :)


Well-Known Member
yea unless your growing inside your house with ridiculous amount of heat radiating from lights, infrared fly-overs will not detect anything. If your scared of getting busted, Why not grow your plants off your property? Research guerrilla growing, its all about getting out deep in the woods and growing plants. If your thinking of only having a few plants in your yard, you should be fine, Keep them small and short, Ive seen of people camouflaging their marijuana plants with clip on flowers (how ingenious is that). But helicopters still do fly around searching visually, So Just keep that in mind when deciding on where to put your plants. Hope that helps



Well-Known Member
The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 on June 11 [2001] that police cannot use infrared heat-detecting technology to gather evidence from a private home without a search warrant


Active Member
The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 on June 11 [2001] that police cannot use infrared heat-detecting technology to gather evidence from a private home without a search warrant
Do you honestly trust the cops to do what they are supposed to do?just sayin...


Well-Known Member
It wouldnt matter about trusting the cop, if they dont have a search warrant how are they going to prove to the court that they found the grow in my house legally with infrared WITHOUT a search warrant? Ive had illegal searches done on me, the cops found a handgun in my trunk and the entire case was thrown out because of illegal search and seizure :)