• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

informants and warrants (waht is nessicary)


Active Member
If one called the cops and told them they know of a cannabis grow and left no name or contact info would a warrant develop or just a "knock and talk" or surveillance?

what if the informant left a name and so on record (i assume). them would a warrant develop?


Well-Known Member
chances are much better for a warrant to develop from a known informant.
an anonymous tip rarely leads to more than a knock and talk at best because how do they know im not calling in a fake tip on my neighbors just to sit back and laugh as their door gets kicked in.
if you have nothing else going against you than an anonymous tip no way would a judge ever issue a warrant


Active Member
I'm in alberta Canada. The laws here are pretty strict when it comes to getting an actual search warrant. The police need to have two actual pieces of evidence. For example if you tampered with the electrical to get off the grid plus they found some stalk and rock wool in your garbage. So stay on the grid pay your bills and pay a friend to take wastes strait to the landfill, as well as be nice to your neighbors make then normal cookies unless you know they like the good kind and all should be well.

peace and love

white widower

Active Member
My experience says that the tip will probably lead to a month long investigation of your trash, electrical usage, comings and goings. When all this turns up nothing they will send a dog to the door to get a positive hit, so dont be smoking that day or two days later 14 masked assholes will come a knocking or should I say a ramming.


Well-Known Member
My experience says that the tip will probably lead to a month long investigation of your trash, electrical usage, comings and goings. When all this turns up nothing they will send a dog to the door to get a positive hit, so dont be smoking that day or two days later 14 masked assholes will come a knocking or should I say a ramming.
Woah. Seriously? An anonymous tip leads to a month long investigation of your trash? No way in hell. An anonymous tip would lead to a knock and talk. That's it. A legitimate tip, say from a known informant might lead to a small investigation, maybe go through your trash, and if they do then maybe for like two weeks, but a month, cops even have better things to do with their time than sort through garbage looking for nute bottles for a month straight.

Second, if they watch you for a month on an anonymous tip, go through your garbage, look into your utility usage, recorded who came and went, what times, who they were and where they were going, and all of this didn't come up with anything, there is no way they would spend the resources to get drug dogs. ESPECIALLy over an annon tip. They would certainly do it if they KNEW you were growing, but not just over a hunch.

What experience do you havethat you make these claims White Widower?


Active Member
This depends on City's regulations. In Miami for example you need at least 3 people to report you to the police before they can get a warrant.

Not everywhere is the same.


Well-Known Member
This depends on City's regulations. In Miami for example you need at least 3 people to report you to the police before they can get a warrant.

Not everywhere is the same.
Very rarely is this formalized by statute. Usually it is regulated by departmental standards, or judge produced standards. Cheif of Police Red may require 3 annonomous tips, while Cheif Blue may require 4. Judge Black likes at least 2 people, but Judge White will grant a warrant as long as there is 1 reliable person.

It all depends.

white widower

Active Member
Woah. Seriously? An anonymous tip leads to a month long investigation of your trash? No way in hell. An anonymous tip would lead to a knock and talk. That's it. A legitimate tip, say from a known informant might lead to a small investigation, maybe go through your trash, and if they do then maybe for like two weeks, but a month, cops even have better things to do with their time than sort through garbage looking for nute bottles for a month straight.

Second, if they watch you for a month on an anonymous tip, go through your garbage, look into your utility usage, recorded who came and went, what times, who they were and where they were going, and all of this didn't come up with anything, there is no way they would spend the resources to get drug dogs. ESPECIALLy over an annon tip. They would certainly do it if they KNEW you were growing, but not just over a hunch.

What experience do you havethat you make these claims White Widower?

A copy of the warrent to search my apartment, a felony conviction for manufacture with intent to distribute, 3 years probation and a talk with the annonmous after the fact.

For your information they dont just search trash, they check usage of electric for patterns, and follow you that is what takes a month to come up with prob cause. When none of there tries get that prob cause they will just send a dog in for a hit. You can think they wont spend resources for dogs they already have them out on patrol doing nothing so why not have some fun and a little practice cops think this stuff is fun.

Lastly how do you know what they would do? Have you ever been in this position or know anyone who has? Keep thinking you will get a knock and talk you will see. Let me know what pen you will be in and I will send you some commecary money when your knock and talk is more like a battering ram door bell kid.


Well-Known Member
A copy of the warrent to search my apartment, a felony conviction for manufacture with intent to distribute, 3 years probation and a talk with the annonmous after the fact.
Very very sorry to hear that white widower. That truely sucks. Do you have the warrent? I would love to see/read it if you have a copy of it.

You got a felony conviction for manufacture with intent to distribute, and you only got 3 years probation? Was that your first offense? What state are you in? Around here you get ALOT more time than that.

Do you know that the anonymous person was the ONLY piece of evidence the police had against you? How did you know it was that person, if it's anonymous?

For your information they dont just search trash, they check usage of electric for patterns, and follow you that is what takes a month to come up with prob cause. When none of there tries get that prob cause they will just send a dog in for a hit. You can think they wont spend resources for dogs they already have them out on patrol doing nothing so why not have some fun and a little practice cops think this stuff is fun.
Not to harp on a point, but what experience and/or training do you have to confirm this? If it is your one run in with the law, it would be very difficult for you to be able to say that this is the national standard.

In certain areas, it takes a warrant to check the usage of electric for patterns. Giving up that information is under the discretion of the electricity company, granted most times they give it out without a problem, not all companies and not under all jurisdictions is it like this.

Not all jurisdictions have drug dogs. Dont' automatically assume that everyone has loads of drug dogs just wandering around, because they don't.

Lastly how do you know what they would do? Have you ever been in this position or know anyone who has? Keep thinking you will get a knock and talk you will see. Let me know what pen you will be in and I will send you some commecary money when your knock and talk is more like a battering ram door bell kid.
A. Chill out

B. No, I have never been in the position, although I know a few people that have. But that doesn't really matter, because when the cops show up with a warrant, they don't give you an explanation of how they "followed you around for a month", or how long they searched through your trash.

C. You don't know anything about me, or my training. As it ends up, I have worked for a state level law enforcement agency, and have gone through more than one training programs, one national. I am also a member of the local, and state Bar Association (for security reasons, I would really prefer not to mention the area, or the state).

Let me know what pen you will be in and I will send you some commecary money when your knock and talk is more like a battering ram door bell kid.
Kid? HAHA. That's actually funny to me.

But, I can't believe you would put this level of evil on me, or anyone for that matter. I'm just at a loss of words over that statement.

I think I'll just ignore that comment, and move on with my otherwise wonderful day. :hump:


Well-Known Member
If one called the cops and told them they know of a cannabis grow and left no name or contact info would a warrant develop or just a "knock and talk" or surveillance?

what if the informant left a name and so on record (i assume). them would a warrant develop?
They would probally knock and talk and possibly a fly over the area with FLIR.


Well-Known Member
Not in the states. You need a warrant for that. I don't know about the UK though, I don't think you need one there.
That's not really true. They can always lie and say they were chasing a suspect in the area and noticed the house glowing and putting out a very high heat signature. I think that would be enough for probable cause and no need for a warrant for the FLIR and it would be grounds to get a search warrant for the house.


Well-Known Member
always remember this: IF THEY WANT U THEY WILL CATCH U
but a known informant will definately give reason from an investigation a tipster is definately a a knock on ur door, however remember noone should no about ur grow in the first place, if u do that and they catch u and u get a good lawyer or ur good with the law u would be suprised how much evidence u can get thrown out a nice trick is 2 surveilance them survelaincing u without a warrant


Well-Known Member
actually from experience in my job... not a cop but as a private investigator my boss tried to send me on some follows of people supposidly we were paid by the department to follow two guys in a meth lab investigation.. we got video of the sales and the equipment moving so it went down.. but what i heard from a friend in d.c. is that they cant really do anything from a phone call specially annon. They put your name on a list and hope to pop you doing stupid shit... they will in some cases send a supervisior with a dog to your door for a sniff and poop.. but its not expensive they are on duty all day and it only takes a minute.... east coast cops are sneeky fucks...And as a P.I. the only reason i do the job is because i went to school for it and i dont have to take a drug test... besides when your wifes fucken your dealer im the dude watching taking video!

Bro's Before Ho's


Well-Known Member
That's not really true. They can always lie and say they were chasing a suspect in the area and noticed the house glowing and putting out a very high heat signature. I think that would be enough for probable cause and no need for a warrant for the FLIR and it would be grounds to get a search warrant for the house.
and yep thats true as hell good call:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
not to take this thread on a different tangent, but what do u guys no about the penalties of disrespecting a police officer, what would be considered it because whenever i see a cop car or a cop i always scream fuck the police or bump the song fuck the police when i drive by or when a cop has pulled down a bunch of people that i know i'll go off at the mouth and say slick things and delay them by bringing up things that i don't really need to know (whos the county cheif, whats the position in this incident of my habeus corpus etc.)

but yesterday a cop was asking questions around the locka and we all started waving saying "hi hater hi hater u u see us? hi hater hi hater" he wrote something dwn so now i'm a little paranoid they've got people watching us or somethin
wat do u guys know about "disrespect ot an officer" laws


Well-Known Member
Wow, Lights on, no one home. Provoking a police officer is just plain stupid. All they need is very little probable cause and they can think one up while talking to you and you screw up and say just a little thing you think is nothing but it leads to a world of shit. Hope your life is clean and your not growing. It's like saying if I paint a target on my back and go down to the local paint ball park do you think someone would shot me, DERRRRRRR.


Well-Known Member
Wow, Lights on, no one home. Provoking a police officer is just plain stupid. All they need is very little probable cause and they can think one up while talking to you and you screw up and say just a little thing you think is nothing but it leads to a world of shit. Hope your life is clean and your not growing. It's like saying if I paint a target on my back and go down to the local paint ball park do you think someone would shot me, DERRRRRRR.
the thing is i am kind of a main supplier so yeh may of just shot myself in the foot, i bring alotta kb into the town they just never knew who was cuz i usually keep a low profile on the street

i gotta go cancel some orders and burn some evidence:-(


Well-Known Member
That's not really true. They can always lie and say they were chasing a suspect in the area and noticed the house glowing and putting out a very high heat signature. I think that would be enough for probable cause and no need for a warrant for the FLIR and it would be grounds to get a search warrant for the house.
Not entirely correct. If they are flying over head with a FLIR filming your neighbor, looking for a grow op with a warrant, and they see your house in the periphery that looks like it has a grow op in it, yeah they can get a search warrant. However, if they were searching for a grow op with a chopper and a FLIR in the NE side of the city, and they ended up finding your house in the SW side of the city, that is not legal. The evidence would have to be thrown out, and no judge in the world would allow a search warrant over this.

A few years ago, a cop got a search warrant on a house (I don't remember the state), and wanted to use his new toy, a FLIR camera. So instead of waiting till he was at the house in question, the cop turned it on two blocks away, and filmed the heat signature of all of the houses on the way to the house in question. He ended up finding a second grow op, and used it to get a warrant. The entire case was thrown out under improper search methods.

Also, it is not correct that cops can just 'say they were chasing a suspect in the area'. They actually have to show documented evidence to prove that they were doing that. Otherwise it's what is called 'fishing for evidence' which is illegal. It's a little easier for cops to lie about where they go in a squad car, but hele's cost alot of money to operate, and they have to document where, why, and how they are going to take it out.

Likewise, my friend thought it would be fun to piss off the police a little. On the highway a cop was going like 90 mph when the speed limit was 65. So my friend followed him, the cop would change his speed, so would my friend. The cop would change lanes, so would my friend. The cop realized what was happening, took the next off ramp, then got back on behind my friend and pulled him over, gave him a speeding ticket (90 in a 65). He fought the ticket by saying that he was just following the police officer. The cop said he was 'on a call' (even though his lights weren't on) and his speeding was justified, making my friend's speed unjustified. The judge asked for the report of where the cop was going, or the dispatch records confirming the cop was going somewhere. The cop couldn't come up with any records, so the judge threw out the speeding charges, and told my friend not to be a dumb ass.