info on switching to flower please?


Well-Known Member
Hi RIU.. I'm switching to flower for the first time and can't find info on it.
right now the plants are in 24/7 light and are 3 months. I am running a hydro set up.
can someone either walk me through the switch (like.. do you put them in the dark for 2 days? run the light down from 24/7 to 18/6 for x days, down to 14/7 for x days and down to 12/12?
is there any tricks, techiniques etc someone should know?

If you can post links to the info that'd be awesome, I don't mind reading on my own, just been trying to find it and came up with nothing...

thanks in advance rep+ for help.


Well-Known Member
everyone will have a different answer on this one from just flippin um to putting them in darkness the choice is yours


Well-Known Member
i use soil and ive heard of extended periods of dark b4 flower but i( and my mates) just flip straight from 24/0 or 18/6 to 12/12. no real problems. sup 2 u mate. i dont think ne1 can conclusively say that any one is better thanany other.


Well-Known Member
cool, so straight into the next light schedule. I have done some reading on using 14/7 for flowering, I'm going to see what I can find, but if anyone has input on that subject it would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
cool, so straight into the next light schedule. I have done some reading on using 14/7 for flowering, I'm going to see what I can find, but if anyone has input on that subject it would be appreciated
is that 14on 7 off


Well-Known Member
14/7? kinda short days uv got? never heard of that though i'm gonna follow this post buddy.


Well-Known Member
yes..14 on 7 off.
hey dura, from what i think i remember reading is that instead of 12/12 if you run short days (14/7) you can speed up harvest time. I was doing alot of reading in the advanced growing section, but can't remember where i saw it, was just putting it out there to see if anyone knew about it off hand.


Well-Known Member
i dont know anything about that but i'm always a lil suspicious of anything that kinda breaks from nature. then again i'm no expert or college science major. i studied history, lol.


New Member
But to answer you question....I just veg for 2-3 weeks on 24-7 then 18-6 till I'm ready to flower and then just snap them on 12/12, but alot of ppl do 24 hours of darkness to really get the girls started, don't know if it's better or not, I've never tried it so.......there ya have it


Well-Known Member

yes to all and bob gets it.. you shorten your hours to 21 hours in a light cycle. there was experiments i read that determined a minimum amount of light to trigger flowering (i believe is) is either 7-8 hours of darkness. whatever the threshold, you start day 2's cycle early. don't think of it as "day 2" think of it in terms of "light cycle 2" and maybe I'll make more sence.


Well-Known Member

yes to all and bob gets it.. you shorten your hours to 21 hours in a light cycle. there was experiments i read that determined a minimum amount of light to trigger flowering (i believe is) is either 7-8 hours of darkness. whatever the threshold, you start day 2's cycle early. don't think of it as "day 2" think of it in terms of "light cycle 2" and maybe I'll make more sence.
i would be very careful messing about with the 12/12 cycle you could mess your grow up


Well-Known Member
cool, so straight into the next light schedule. I have done some reading on using 14/7 for flowering, I'm going to see what I can find, but if anyone has input on that subject it would be appreciated
my question is what happened to the other three hours of the day?!?!?!?


If your lights are acting as the sun, then a day is however long from lights on to lights off, that cycle is then "1 day" so if ur on a 21hour cycle then ur days are 21 hours and there is no missing 3 hours....


Well-Known Member
i would be very careful messing about with the 12/12 cycle you could mess your grow up
thanks, i'm going to stick to 12/12 there's too many chances for mis-calculation.. appreciate the input.

my question is what happened to the other three hours of the day?!?!?!?
read post below..

If your lights are acting as the sun, then a day is however long from lights on to lights off, that cycle is then "1 day" so if ur on a 21hour cycle then ur days are 21 hours and there is no missing 3 hours....
thanks for clarifying for him.
There is 3 hours missing, especially if your using a 24 hr timer. That would mean you have to adjust the timer everyday at the same time to take out the extra 3 hrs that are "lost" in the 14/7 light cycle. They dont make 21 hr timers. If your not using a timer then you would have to manually plug and unplug lights everday, to me thats more time and risk of shocking plants then using a 12/12 cycle on a 24 HR timer. My life is not that broing or planned out to where I could pull that off and i dont imagine there's to many peoples lives like that either. If you have the time everyday to plan that out then it "might be" worth a shoot but if not i wouldnt mess with it!2012-11-07_02-04-42_710.jpg2012-11-07_02-04-52_945.jpg2012-11-07_02-05-04_919.jpg2012-11-07_02-05-52_478.jpg these beauties are on a 24hr cyce right now about to be flipped to 12/12 in the morning.