Influencing the sex of seedlings

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
I was recently reading Marijuana Horticulture, the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible by Jorge Cervantes.
It states that there are several environmental factors can influence the sex of the seedling once the seedling has three sets of true leaves.
Those factors are:
Increased nitrogen makes more female plants. A higher nitrogen and lower potassium level for the fist two weeks increases females.
Lower temperatures increases the number of females.
High humidity increases females.
More blue light increases females.
Fewer hours of daylight (14 hrs) increases females.

I am wondering if anyone has any experience or thoughts on this. Also, wouldnt adding nitrogen to a seedling be dangerous to the health of the plant?


Well-Known Member
genetics. otherwise fem seeds would be bs.

Buy fem seeds and do all the opposite and see if you get 80%+ males.


Well-Known Member
yes, but hermie isn't a male or female. Its a mutation.
But going by Jorge, you can make a male from fem seeds.


Well-Known Member
How is that going by Jorge? Female seeds are genetically created, "feminized" seeds obviously dont occur in nature, and im sure they are not what jorge had in mind when he wrote the book.

TPB for the win though


Well-Known Member
don't add any nutes until the seedling leaves fall off, then just don't mess with the plants too much and pull males, sometimes u've just gotta eccept nature for what it is


Well-Known Member
I was recently reading Marijuana Horticulture, the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible by Jorge Cervantes.
It states that there are several environmental factors can influence the sex of the seedling once the seedling has three sets of true leaves.
Those factors are:
Increased nitrogen makes more female plants. A higher nitrogen and lower potassium level for the fist two weeks increases females.
Lower temperatures increases the number of females.
High humidity increases females.
More blue light increases females.
Fewer hours of daylight (14 hrs) increases females.

I am wondering if anyone has any experience or thoughts on this. Also, wouldnt adding nitrogen to a seedling be dangerous to the health of the plant?
I read it and know that the factors make a difference.