Inexpensive LED'S for a small grow


Well-Known Member
The first has the generic efficiency of 620-630 eastern led chips...
Average to good enough

The second is quite good ,actually for WW ...

The third (NW ) has below average efficiency of eastern NW leds .Search for something better ...

Try to read my other-ongoing- thread ...


Well-Known Member
Hey SDS,

I was glad to hear you were still doing OK despite the hard times surrounding you in another recent thread. I was wondering whether you had any info on efficiency of the cheap bridgelux 1w/3w chips when run ~300ma?


Well-Known Member
@stardustsailor you happen to know? I'm working on some fixtures for super tight spaces and was wondering how the 1w and 3w (run @ 1W) would compare to a vero10 @300ma in terms of efficiency.