Indoors then outdoors

OK everybody, this is my first post to bear with me. I have been lurking on the forum for a few months now, but now I could use some guidance from all of you.

So 6 weeks ago my plants sprouted. Both are bagseeds. I started growing them indoors, under 6 26 watt CFLs. I didn't invest in a real serious set up because I am in college so I knew I would be coming home in May.

Before I go any further, I will tell you that my parents are cool with me growing on their property and they know about it.

I came home (suburb outside NYC) last Wednesday, and the plants have been outside ever since. The first two days I left them under some shade so they could adjust to being outside without being in direct sunlight. They seem to be reacting really well to being outside, both plants grew an inch or two over the last couple of days.

The plants are currently in small pots (I would say they are probably like 1 litre pots) in 2/3 Miracle Grow soil 1/3 Miracle Grow perlite. I do not have a PH meter. It has been in the 60's and 70's for the past few days here. I have not added any nutes because the soil says that it feeds plants for 3 months. I realize that
MG soil is not recommended for that reason, but I was stupid.

Looking around the site, it seems like most plants are a lot larger at 6 weeks. I am thinking it is because they are in such small pots? I am planning on buying larger pots and transplanting them this week. Give me your thoughts on this.

Plant one, lets call her Thelma, seems like it is doing something strange. It has 5 leaves that are of all different sizes, that are wayyyyy bigger than the rest of the leaves on the plant. These leaves are at the very top of the plant, there is nothing growing out from on top of them. The thing is, these leaves are the first leaves the plant grew. All new growth is coming out of the main stem, below the set of huge leaves. The new growth looks good, not weird like the big leaves. There are two other big leaves that are strange looking as well, only this time they are all distorted and twisted looking. Since being outside, new growth off of the main stem has been good... there is a lot more going on than before I put it outside. My question is, what is with these weird leaves?

Plant two, lets cal her Louise, has been reacting great to being outside. Growing bigger every day, I can tell this one really likes the sun. Every time I go outside to check on the plants, I notice bugs on both plants. Little green bugs and some little flies. It looks like it has actually got a little bite taken out of one of the leaves, and there are some spider webs on some of the leaves as well. Should I worry about these bugs?

By coincidence I happen to have two bottles of plant products in my house.
Garden Safe brand "Rose & Flower Insect Killer"
Ingredients: Pyrethrin .02%, Piperonyl Butoxide .20%
Can I use this to kill the bugs? Dilute it maybe? If not, What should I get?

Bayer Advanced Gardening "All in one Rose and Flower Care"
3 in 1 Fertilizer, Insect Control, Disease Control
Ingredients: Tebuconazole .80%, Imidacloprid .15%
I know I probably shouldn't touch this, especially since my soil already has nutes in it, but I figured I would ask anyway. Is this of any use to me?

Sorry for such a long post. I promise I will stop now. Please leave some advice for me if you have any.
Thanks a lot everyone, this is a great community.

Photos of Louise are in the next post


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Pictures of Louise


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most likely the cold ouside will take care of the spider mites they dont reproduce well in the cold. u should use neem oil if they get out of control. that other stuff sounds harsh to use on stuff u will ingest later.
looks like u need some nitrogen for your girls. try alaska fish fert. or piss in a gallon of water and feed ur plants.

Welcome to RIU Pokesmot!

Well First off, I would definitely transplant into a bigger pot. Maybe a 3 gal. or a 5 gal. pot.

What type of miracle grow is it? I hear you can grow decent plants with just Miracle Grow's Organic Choice alone. Here's a soil recipe that i'm about to use. This will cost about $20-$25 all together.

And for the Bugs, go buy some neem oil. For the Nitrogen issue, buy some Alaska Fish fert. like the other guy said. (But it comes with the recipe i listed)

are you also overwatering your plants?
Kremnon your a retard, dont tel peopploe to go piss on their plants c'mon now!! yes piss has nitrogen in it, but you def do not want to feed it to your plants by all means, if your gonna be lazy and not go by nutrietns use egg shells they too have nitrogen and are much safer than piss
caught me - was pretty baked when I wrote that haha.

Seriously though, can anybody tell me why Thelma is so weird looking? What the hell is going on with that plant?
looks like u need some nitrogen for your girls. try alaska fish fert. or piss in a gallon of water and feed ur plants.


Yeah piss will really help your plants. Thats why everone is doing it right. JEESH!!!

I would reccomend fox farm but i'm byast. I have been using it for years. Repot and change your soil. not that many people don't use MG I am not a fan. I prefier PRO-MIX BX and worm castings. Not sure how to feed with MG soil cause I've never used it. Hope this helps.
something else u could do is get an Nlite, which has three color lights. purple, blue, and red. ur plant reacts differently to each color. Purple is good to use for any time during germination process. blue encourages stem and leaf growth. red is the ideal light to use when ur plant is beggining to flower. everytime i use this method, its profoundly helpfull when it comes improving ur yeild
hey man i think your prob is the nute burn...plants that small have a hard time dealing with all those nutes that they put in that mg soil..whenever you buy soil man just look for plain old potting soil to start anyways no addtives or nutes
something else u could do is get an Nlite, which has three color lights. purple, blue, and red. ur plant reacts differently to each color. Purple is good to use for any time during germination process. blue encourages stem and leaf growth. red is the ideal light to use when ur plant is beggining to flower. everytime i use this method, its profoundly helpfull when it comes improving ur yeild

WHAT!? Plants respond to light SPECTRUM not colored glass over a filiment.