Indoor vs outdoor reveg differences?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I have noticed a lot of stories here from people's photos going back into veg from something as simple as a standby light, or a crack in the fabric. How come this doesn't happen as easily with photos grown outside? We've had at least 12 photos this size grow here and it's lighting gets interrupted regularly in winter. Sun is from 6am-6pm in autumn here and we have gatherings Until midnight with multiple 150w outdoor lights on, and they get a fair bit of it.. we also have windows that emit light, and we have townhouses right behind the fence.

How come plants are more likely to go Into reveg during flower if they are inside a tent?

Here a pic of the yard and plants we did this year. There are two big photos behind the pool there, and they copped lighting well until the morning at least twice a week during flower. All up we have done 13 or so over the last three years, and being just a hobbyist, I never even knew reveg happens.

You can see the close proximity to other houses that emit lots of light from sundown to midnight most days.


Say you plants getting some light from indoors (cracked fabric) it's likely to be direct and strong on part of a plant less than 1m away, could be on 24h, this would reveg part of the plant or the buds could turn out more airy (depending how strong the light is and how long the lights on and how often)

even strong street light don't give off much light, no surface to reflect light and the plants are going to be a long distances from the lights (meters) and the wind moves the branches and leaves so there not getting strong direct light for 18 hours.