Indoor Veg Grow

My buddy plans on starting off a few plants indoor and then moving them outdoor a few weeks after (2-3 weeks indoor, starting off in root riot and then may use cups as well). Though, he has some questions about the room he is starting them off in. The room is a furnace room and does get quite hot at times. So he is wondering what is the hottest temperature the room can be with, without being to hot for the plants. If the room is to hot in general what can he do to make the room cooler. Also, what other things can be done to this room to support a quick veg grow in it? He has a small fan, heat mat, led lights, though what other things are recommended?

Also, for root riots, how often do you water them (or how do they work).


Swisher Sweet

Active Member
My buddy plans on starting off a few plants indoor and then moving them outdoor a few weeks after (2-3 weeks indoor, starting off in root riot and then may use cups as well). Though, he has some questions about the room he is starting them off in. The room is a furnace room and does get quite hot at times. So he is wondering what is the hottest temperature the room can be with, without being to hot for the plants. If the room is to hot in general what can he do to make the room cooler. Also, what other things can be done to this room to support a quick veg grow in it? He has a small fan, heat mat, led lights, though what other things are recommended?

Also, for root riots, how often do you water them (or how do they work).

No idea on root riots. In terms of making the room cooler some kind of venting is necessary. especially in an enclosed room like that (they must have some fresh air as well). Find some good ferts (there are so many and everybody on the forum has there own opinion). There are more but that is a good start!
No idea on root riots. In terms of making the room cooler some kind of venting is necessary. especially in an enclosed room like that (they must have some fresh air as well). Find some good ferts (there are so many and everybody on the forum has there own opinion). There are more but that is a good start!
For the fresh air, I will explain his idea on that in a bit, but what would you guys recommend on how he should do that. He can't make any holes in the wall for vents, as for next year there will be a room that will be built specially for this, so he doesn't want to ruin anything since it's not going to be used in the future. As for ferts, he was thinking that this won't really be necessary as they are not going to be in there that long (3 weeks in the grow room max), and he just will apply the Yeild master grow, once they get settled outside. If they are moved to the 20oz cups inside, he was just going to use a high quality dutch soil mix. Though, if you feel ferts are necessary for the cups, what would you recommend?

Thanks a lot Swisher Sweet, and to anyone else who might chime in.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
The venting is difficult in an interior room like your describing and for such a short time the expense would not be worth it to run some kind of ducting. Just don't know maybe someone else on the forum can come up with something. I use Fox Farm ferts and even though you buy good soil which will provide some nutrients not enough over a 30 day period.
The venting is difficult in an interior room like your describing and for such a short time the expense would not be worth it to run some kind of ducting. Just don't know maybe someone else on the forum can come up with something. I use Fox Farm ferts and even though you buy good soil which will provide some nutrients not enough over a 30 day period.
The room honestly isn't that small though (think of a smaller sized bedroom), and there is a window right on the other side of the door, so I am sure something is possible.

Though, as for ferts in a small cup, he never planned for this. So since he will be using the Yield Master Grow outside for vegging, I am assuming that he should use the same ferts indoors? This may sound quite stupid, but how much would he apply in a 24oz cup and how?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
The room honestly isn't that small though (think of a smaller sized bedroom), and there is a window right on the other side of the door, so I am sure something is possible.

Though, as for ferts in a small cup, he never planned for this. So since he will be using the Yield Master Grow outside for vegging, I am assuming that he should use the same ferts indoors? This may sound quite stupid, but how much would he apply in a 24oz cup and how?
Not familiar with those ferts but if there is a window I would use it for venting. The dilemma is the short period of time your dealing with.Good Luck!
Thanks for all the help.

Could someone please chime in on the ferts issue though, should he use the same fertz as he is going to be using outside for the 24oz cups and also how much would he use and how would he apply it?

Here is the link to the fertilizer

Thanks a bunch for all the help!!