Ok another update and any advice at this stage would be awesome..
its going into about 7/8 weeks of veg now.
having some issues throughout the plants, one plant in particular is very stunted growth see this pic
here is what i have observed from bottom of the plant , bottom fan leaves start to yellow, veins stay green, leaves can become droopy /heavy, they eventually shrivel and dry up. Is this from Too HIGH EC? Or too low?
some photos of new growth.. is it Nitrogen Toxicity? I did at one stage increase the nutrients a little quicker than i should have , not sure if this is the result
Room Temp Day: 25-28* Celcius
Room Temp Night: 20*Celcius
Humidity: 50%
media: clay pebbles in pots
water method: flood and drain
EC: 0.8
water frequency: currently every 3 hours during light hours.
I have trialled a lesser water frequency of 3 times per day to rule out overwatering as an issue, but it didn't seem to make any difference.
At the start I introduced the fertilizer too quickly , & got some nute burn so i backed it off, it's been many weeks now though & as some leaves are starting to die I'm wondering if I'm not feeding them enough?
Everything seems pretty text book standard in my grow so I'm not exactly sure what to do now as the plant is showing many signs of deficiencies and abundance at the one time.
other things tried so far
- run a cycle with clean water for the day
Any advice would be great
So I also have this bubble bucket going quite well, the water is currently PH5.9 and EC 0.45. The air pump is 400L/HR
The cuttings are all rooting well, they are currently misted for 15 minutes every 2 hours. My next DIY aeroponic cloner will have an improved misting timer cycle, with a shorter on time of around 1 minute, and at intervals of say 1 or 2 hours. This will stop the stem from becoming too moist and rotting (as mine are slightly). I may also try a fan blowing clean air over the roots. I think this method is all about pushing the cutting to root as fast as possible so I would like to explore various techniques.