Lights are too far.
Plants are too tall. (these 2 are connected)
Plants have nutrient issues before going into flower. Bad.
Every plant in every picture I see either nutrient deficiency, nutrient excess, or overwatering/bad soil water draining/retention qualities.
=Grower error.
More than half the plant half way down and below is useless growth and useless buds and useless waste of growth time and plant energy. Keep lights close, plants tight, nodes packed, temp and RH in check, and get your nutrient and/or soil issues in check. Don't overwater, Don't overfeed, dont let night time temps and RH shift dramatically from day.
You have so much shit growing there, you basically need a live mentor to help you over there. It's big job. Big learning experience.. not just to grow the plants, but to grow them well. You need help. Bitten off more than you can chew type a thing. with big dream.