Indoor soil dries too slow?


Hey guys, I been looking everywhere for a thread about this but cant find any, so i came to the best place for some help =D Got these clones for 6 days now, and that was the last time i watered them. I usually water my plants every 4 days, but the soil on these doesnt even look anywhere close to being dry. I added a good 30% perlite with the supersoil that i used, the room gets really good air circulation with the oscillating fan and open door, im wondering if the soil stays this wet, would it cause root rot or anything? SNC13344.jpgSNC13343.jpg


Temps humidity drainage and root system. What is your temp and rh? Do you have drain holes in those pots? How do you water? Soggy soil will rot your roots and invite insects, mold, and fungus.


Its around room temp in there. these pots do have drain holes in them. i water them with phed water mixed with some flora gro and micro. When i flushed one of them this morning, the water went through with ease so the soil is pretty aerated.


Well-Known Member
its because the plants are small and they don't have much of a root system. just give em time, they'll fill in.
i like the look of the soil. it looks good to me.


Well-Known Member
Finger test you still feel moisture, or does it just "look" wet? Some really really rich black soils stay looking "wet", but are actually dry. Picking up the pot does it feel like there is weight to it?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when transplanting clones they take a while to start growing, thats what is happening, they are not growing thus not drinking water.In a week or so they will start growing and pot will be dry every 2-3 days.


New Member
theres many factors causeing this first off you mentioned that you fed ph'd what was your ph secondly how long has it bin since you transplanted ????? 3rd when you feed / water how much are you actually putting in pot
from my experience theres only a few 3 things plants are stressed from transplanting
you drenched your soil to much so roots cant breath etc
your ph is so out of wack that your plant when into dormant stage


if your soil is completly drenched transplant into new soil leaving a good 4 " of that soil of around root system trying not to disturb it to much into dry soil as to suck wetness out

calibrate your ph tool to make sure ph is right 6.5 - 7.0 in soil

if you transplanted recently then there in some kind of shock rule of thumb is slowly moving plants as they grow into bigger pots you mifht of went to big to ffast


New Member
Sometimes when transplanting clones they take a while to start growing, thats what is happening, they are not growing thus not drinking water.In a week or so they will start growing and pot will be dry every 2-3 days.
your absolutly right most people will water and fill pot litteraly flush
so wrong
i found that plants dont need a flooding but rather small bursts like 1 - 2 cups in that stage and all the way thru to flowering when flooding soil all your doin is looking for trouble
heres 2 plants transplanted 5 days ago second feeding from a 3 " clone no more then 2 cups of food there was no stoppage just growth



Well-Known Member
if you just transplanted them it may take a while for them to suck up. if you put them right into a 3 gallon your looking at close to two weeks for that shit to suck all the way up. the plant hasnt established a fat root system yet. not sure if your in a 3 gallon but if you are in the future start with a 1 gallon