Indoor Peppers and Tomatoes


Well-Known Member
Statik- I don't have a favorite, but I really liked Spice Bros. Nirvana is always reliable, but nothing spectacular. I'm looking for a pure or mostly Indica and a mostly Sativa. I have inbred WW beans lying around, but I'm bored with those!

FullDuplex- I wish I would have looked for some banana peppers! I love me some pickled banana peppers on pizza, italian sandwich, so and and so forth. I know you had jalapenos, but it just reminded me. lol. I think I'm going to can my tomatoes for pizza sauce. num num num.

God's Balls- L O L. are you sure that it wasn't the "other" burning sensation?

funny you say that i had banana peppers too that i pickled before the jalapenos. And i couldnt agree more there good on everything.
I had a hybrid this past year that i have been working on. I crossed a bell and hot banana pepper and got some nice spicy bell peppers. And got the seeds to carry on the line :) I added a couple pics of one of the peppers and a frog chilln on it. This was grown out doors

************added one from last harvest



Well-Known Member
funny you say that i had banana peppers too that i pickled before the jalapenos. And i couldnt agree more there good on everything.
I had a hybrid this past year that i have been working on. I crossed a bell and hot banana pepper and got some nice spicy bell peppers. And got the seeds to carry on the line :) I added a couple pics of one of the peppers and a frog chilln on it. This was grown out doors

************added one from last harvest
That's funny that you had a frog protecting yours! I use to have a tree frog living on my revegged White Widow two Summers ago! He was a good friend!



Well-Known Member
Bless me RUI for I have not posted pictures in 5 days....How many tokes must I take to be absolved of my sins? Any who here is an update. Still waiting on some blooms from the veggies.

One toke for every day you didn't post pics. So 5. bongsmilie

Looking good man. Keep showing them love, and they will turn out beautifully.


Well-Known Member
One toke for every day you didn't post pics. So 5. bongsmilie

Looking good man. Keep showing them love, and they will turn out beautifully.
As long as I can keep my Widow from developing creeping necrosis I'll be a happy camper! Something tells me that my Fox Farm nutes are locking out something. Could be N,Mg,K, or Ca, but I have a feeling that it's a Mg deficiency from dry soil and high humidity. We shall see I guess. It usually happens midway through flowering. At least I should have healthy veggies!



Well-Known Member
whats up Boy Genius.. just stopping by to let u know the peppers have rebounded and the blackness just left.. its weird i have no idea what it was, but it just went away and the parts that were black are green again and the new growth is nice and green.

do u have an update on your peppers an tomatos


Well-Known Member
See we told you not to panic! I'm glad everything is working out for you. Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. My living situation has been like a roller coaster. I had to move my plants to a friends house. I will be bringing the plants back sometime this week. Stay tuned for pics!




Well-Known Member
I let my friend look after my veggies and WW and all of the blooms and bottom leaves are dying. My WW has some yellowing on the bottom and one of the main cola tips was so badly burnt that I had to cut it off. It was only a week and they probably went through hell. It only looks as though they weren't watered. I know they weren't fed any nutes for a week. How could you not water plants that you're babysitting? My friend wants to be a grower, but can't even water plants every other day for a week.

Take a look at the WW leaves. Any guesses?




Well-Known Member
I let my friend look after my veggies and WW and all of the blooms and bottom leaves are dying. My WW has some yellowing on the bottom and one of the main cola tips was so badly burnt that I had to cut it off. It was only a week and they probably went through hell. It only looks as though they weren't watered. I know they weren't fed any nutes for a week. How could you not water plants that you're babysitting? My friend wants to be a grower, but can't even water plants every other day for a week.

Take a look at the WW leaves. Any guesses?

Not sure but if it is mg def I use epsom salt and foliar with it 1-2 tbs per gallon


Well-Known Member
It's hard telling what happened. There are some signs of leaf burn up top, so I imagine they got pretty dry. I have a fast and easy method to getting rid of Yellowing Leaves! I cut them off!



Well-Known Member
I always leave all leafs until they fall on their own......if you have leaf burn up top either your light is too close or or your over fertilizing..or maybe you rh is too low.....


Well-Known Member
I always leave all leafs until they fall on their own......if you have leaf burn up top either your light is too close or or your over fertilizing..or maybe you rh is too low.....
It's wasn't nute burn since it wasn't being fed or watered. It was a combination of HID burn and under watering(not my fault). They are thriving now, so all is well. The veggies are still very slow to mature.




rather then start a new thread I will hijack this one a bit. Does anyone know if spraying the leaves of tomatoes and peppers helps them develop at all. Im doing DWC.


Well-Known Member
rather then start a new thread I will hijack this one a bit. Does anyone know if spraying the leaves of tomatoes and peppers helps them develop at all. Im doing DWC.
Your best form of absorption is coming from your root system, especially for DWC. Look up posts from Uncle Ben on foliar feeding. He posted a link of a university research poster on the myths of foliar feeding. From what I got out of it was that foliar feeding works best for micronutrient/carbohydrate absorption. I would say it helps, but it doesn't make a HUGE difference if you do or not. Make sure that you spray at the right time. If not your plants could develop HID burn or molds. So spray before the lights come on or at the end and use a fan.





Well-Known Member
nice looking mj, do u know if peppers need a flowering light cycle. you said u put your plants on 12/12 but i thought that was because the VIP(Very Important Plant) needs lots of sleep.


Well-Known Member
No all plants need it. My peas/cucumbers in my grow box with my VIP's started veggie production along with the girls. Should pick my first pea within the week :D