

Well-Known Member
I had to leave town for a little over a week, and instead of having to worry if any of the maintenance people might catch a glimpse of my grow box while I was out of town, I decided to take the plants with me and put them in the woods for a week. I figured if they die they die. Low and behold, I went to pick them up this morning and they had almost tripled in height, grew two extra nodes, leaves got significantly larger, and the stem thickened up greatly, at least twice. One thing though, since I am growing indoors and in a tight space, I was trying to keep the plant short and dense. It stretched a good bit so I will have to LST in my box to keep it short.


Well-Known Member
Okay I know that I am somewhat toasted right now but is there a question in there?


Well-Known Member
Toasted, haha. As am I, hence the forgetting to post the question. What kind of effects will or can this have on the plants? I tried the LST method early on one of my plants and it has already corrected itself. Will I need to do anything to compensate for the stretching? They're at about 7 nodes now and I see these tiny pistil-like leaves(?) coming from the bud sites. Both plants have them. They haven't gotten bigger in about 1.5 wks, so would anyone say they may be leaves or new stems that haven't matured yet, or could they possibly be pre flowers?


Well-Known Member
well for the stretching you could top them a bit down, sound like they are strong enough to take quiet a bit topping now:)
that they quit growing is a bit odd, even in flower, hack especially in flower plants grow quiet a bit:D but hack, light is still short were i live so it is possible that they are in a weired preflower state in the moment... never seen something like that before, wait another week and check what happens i would say and post a few pics of the oddy;)


Well-Known Member
pics, pics and more pics! I am going to go and hit my pipe, and I'm NOT stopping or coming back til you post pics! God, I love pics.


Well-Known Member
All I have to take pics of it right now is my cell phone, but I could probably use a digital camera later on. They've been I say 1 cm long and look like tiny blades of grass. They're on most of the nodes.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from the first plant. The picture of the smallest one was taken approx. 10-12 days ago. I can't believe the growth in such a short time. I had also transplanted right before I put them outside, so I'm sure their ability to stretch out some helped. I'll put up pcs in the next post of the other plant.



Well-Known Member
Nobody, you mentioned topping the plants. What kind of advice can you give me on topping the plant? Which one would you recommend? I'd rather just do one because I think I may only have room for a small pot in the grow box.


Well-Known Member
By looking at the pics, you started with LST so far, that is okay:)

to top a plant you basically take its top away, like the center stem and leave the branches/leaves to the sides of this replace it. if those start to get bigger you cut the tips of those off again and they split once more given you even more plant volume at short height, you get the idea;)