Indoor --> Outdoor


What is the best way to transition from a fluorescent indoor grow to outdoor?
Right now I have about a 30k lumen indoor setup, just something small and simple but i'm afraid if I move the plants outdoor right away the sun will be too powerful for what they are used to?... Any input is greatly appreciated.:joint:


Well-Known Member
just toss em on out there my friend. i start all my plants indoors and move them out. if its an established plant an is in veg you should have no problems, but if its a seedling, you might want to harden it off a bit (as you would with clones).
its a good idea not to leave sensitive plants baking in direct sun, and for seedlings, only leave them out for 4 then 6 then 8 hours a day, until they can take direct sunlight/wind/rain etc.
if they look unhappy, bring em on in!


Appreciate the quick response ylem, indoors is great for controlling the elements... But you can't find a better light source than the sun :D