Indoor / Outdoor grow question!


Active Member
can i still bring my plant out during the day to flower it? because my light is really weak and i think so long as the plant was getting light 12/12 it should still flower properly?

i have a few plants i want to try and flower with the use of outdoor and indoor light (mostly outdoor hopefully). i was planning on making a light tight box with a light inside set on a 12 / 12 timer. next i was planning on setting the timer so that it starts at 6am and turns off at 6pm (roughly the same hours of our days right now in southern california).

any help would be appreciated thanks :)



Active Member
putting them in full sun, from the start will stunt them a little, put them in the shade for a day or two them go to full sun, if your going to put them outside their isnt any need for your indoor lights, just make a light proof box to put them in and put them outside for 12 hrs, and then put them in the box

hope it helps


Active Member
ok thanks i was just thinking i would have the light in my box on a timer as a precaution (i mean i wake up late sometimes and i get kind've busy) so if i bring them out a few hours late not much harm done or if i dont get the opportunity to put them out that day they still get some light...

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
if you are on lights already---just change the color of your bulbs to 2700 mostly maybe one 5500 and leave them there? somebody might snatch em?


Well-Known Member
if you are on lights already---just change the color of your bulbs to 2700 mostly maybe one 5500 and leave them there? somebody might snatch em?

well that would be growing indoors wouldn't it? And someone might snatch them if you put it in a stupid place? isnt this outdoor growing? Why are all my sentences in questions?


Well-Known Member
why bother bringing them inside? if its going in a location where it could get ripped off or seen when its out at night chances are someone will notice it in the daytime first anyway so you need to find a better spot. or is it that your nights are too cold?


Active Member
why bother bringing them inside? if its going in a location where it could get ripped off or seen when its out at night chances are someone will notice it in the daytime first anyway so you need to find a better spot. or is it that your nights are too cold?

k people im not retarded here. i live in a pretty secluded area and i have a REALLY good spot to put them during the day and night. The pictures are of my veg area, the 3 plants in the front are the ones i was going to put outside / inside. and yes i bring them inside at night because of frost at night its less that 30 degrees F often in the morning because its winter here right now, the whole reason i started the damn thread in the first place. i will have the lights in the new box turn on at 5am (the sun isn't up here till about 6:30 and goes down around 5) and when i get up around 7:30ish i put the plants outside (so it has time to warm up if its cold). i dont get home till after 5 often but so long as light isnt on around them they should be fine till i get them inside i would think.


Well-Known Member
lol, i never said you were retarded, i was just wondering. sounds like ya got it figured out, best of luck, let us know how it grows(instead of goes. lol)