Indoor Organics, Blue Venom, Pineapple Chunk, Blue Cheese, Grapegod


Active Member
All of em are looking nice and very healthy, the node spacing on all of em seems very uniform at the moment except for the cali hash plant that's tight as hell, my plans are to top and I probably will when they are 3 weeks old. The grapegod is showing me more sativa leafs where as everything else is showing really fat indica leaves. Ill post some pics up tommoroe. I have 1 gg in a 5 g and 1 in a 3 I have both blue venom in in 5g and the blue cheese in a 5 gallon. . The fruity automatic is the smallest of the bunch. I think tommorow I also might give em their first dose of nutes but leave out the grow and just do nutes to help my root system like diamond black and bioweed, cal mag for my transplant and some biomarine to give em a little something to eat but all of em at half strength cept the diamond black and bioweed which I will give at light strength.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like things are progressing well. You should really like those 5 gallons. Looking forward to pics.


Active Member
Sorry tanker I will soon, still nothing to gawk at, I topped 2x grapegod and 1x blue venom right above the second node, the blue cheese and 1x blue venom right above the 3rd node and I fimmed the california hash plant, I love doin that and looking in the very next day and seeing the leaves perked the hell up. Ill show you guys some pics soon sorry I've been lazy.


Active Member
Small preflowers are forming on the fruity automatic. When they say 60 days flowering do they mean seed to harvest or 2-3 week seedling phase then 60 days flowering? Everything else responded very well to the topping and my fimmed cali hash plant now has 3 tops and 4 branches.I was lucky enough to get gifted a seed found in some mendo purps and a seed found in a oz of lemon drop so ill be up to 6 strains but who knows what ill keep.


Well-Known Member
Hey mrorganics hope all is good!! When they say sixty days they usually mean from seed, but it isn't always the case it could take a bit longer.

Let's see some pics !!:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Small preflowers are forming on the fruity automatic. When they say 60 days flowering do they mean seed to harvest or 2-3 week seedling phase then 60 days flowering? Everything else responded very well to the topping and my fimmed cali hash plant now has 3 tops and 4 branches.I was lucky enough to get gifted a seed found in some mendo purps and a seed found in a oz of lemon drop so ill be up to 6 strains but who knows what ill keep.
hey mrorganics, i think seed to flower is 60 days.. never grew them befre though.. seems like thats what i heard..

pretty nice line up ya got there. it sucks loosing babies.. i just lost a few myself.. agent orange x strawberry kush and jilly bean x blue fruit.. and i dont have many of those beans either.. hope whats sill breathin keeps on breathin. lol. catch ya later bro.. good luck with the babies..


Active Member
Yea everythings really really healthy now they aren't fragile seedlings anymore, issue is I have no net at my place and I forgot my comp when I went to a friends so I will soon. The 0-60 is crazy cuz they're almost 20 and only 4 inches, I mean how much is it supposed to yeild like a eighth or something haha.
Upthe arsenal thanks for stopping by man ill get some pics sometime this week or so.


Well-Known Member
Yea everythings really really healthy now they aren't fragile seedlings anymore, issue is I have no net at my place and I forgot my comp when I went to a friends so I will soon. The 0-60 is crazy cuz they're almost 20 and only 4 inches, I mean how much is it supposed to yeild like a eighth or something haha.
Upthe arsenal thanks for stopping by man ill get some pics sometime this week or so.
im not sure of the yeild.. good luck with it thogh.. get some PICS. MAN lol


Active Member
Everything is going good, most plants are doing 4 tops cept one grapegod seems to be focusing more on the top node rather than both and the cali hash plant was topped at the 4th so its gettin bushy, the auto flower is so funny, it did its little stretch and its about 7-9 inches tall. I reckon it'll get a little taller. And bud production hasn't really started yet but I still have 5 weeks on it. Ill post pics soon my internet situation and computer situation is a little fucked up so be patient. I'm sorry lol


Active Member
Good job I will be following .. I was going to order some PC too but they were all sold out .. I ended up get Sour P from Resin Seeds and SoMango from Soma ... Wouldnt 7-11 plants be too much for a 4x4 tent and a 600w ??? Idk , Im just asking ... I still havent even had a harvest yet ... - thchead


Active Member
I did 7 last time and had room it was a tight fit but also they were stretchier sativas so witht this grow and these hopefully smaller indicas ill fit my 8. I'm gonna have em in rotation, chopping every week and cloning every week veg for 6 and flower for 8 that's way ill finally be perpetual :) ill get pics for sure tonight, I forgot about a resource haha.


Active Member
Suppp people, sorry its been a week. I cant let em get any bigger. They are soo full and beautiful, I haven't seen one sign of deficiency. The blue venoms the tallest of the bunch so I lstd the tallest one and wow...8 beautiful tops! Ill try and get pics up soon I've been soo busy. I'm posting on gc because I can upload pics from my phone, I might just have to abandon this journal.


Active Member
ok well sitution has changed i will be more diligent on this site, i enjoy ll the people i have met on here and all the help you guys can/will give me...pic update, its day 31 but these pics are from day 30 and if you ask me they are freakin huge for 4 weeks and a couple days. i wana flower em soon but i wanna get em a little bigger, maybe 1-2 more weeks. ill be cloning them all but only keeping my top 3 out of 4 strains to run perpetually doing 2 large plants every 3 weeks totallying 6 plants in my flower room, i thought about doing the weekly thing but for a man with a job i dont wanna be havin trim sessions weekly haha. plan for these is to veg until week 6 and im cutting clones this weekend.

2011-06-22 21.34.52.jpg2011-06-22 21.37.43.jpg2011-06-22 21.42.02.jpg2011-06-22 21.39.47.jpg2011-06-22 21.39.06.jpg2011-06-22 21.39.32.jpg2011-06-22 21.37.06.jpg2011-06-22 21.38.50.jpg2011-06-22 21.39.17.jpg2011-06-22 21.41.47.jpg


Active Member
ok so pics r cali hash plant, grapegod1, canopy shot, big blue venom top view, blue cheese, big blue venom side shot of lst, grapegod 2, fruit automatic, smaller blue venom, and another canopy shot. tell me what cha think.


Well-Known Member
Those pants are looking great! I wouldn't let them go too much further before switching to 12/12 or you won't have room to rotate your next two in when the time comes. Wish my plants were looking this good - it's 100 degrees outside atm, my tent is running at 90 degrees unless I turn on the AC and directed it at the tent in which case I can get it down to 85... Might have to scrap my current batch till temps drop :(

Good thinking on the every two weeks versus every week - constant trimming, drying, curing gets old fast.


Active Member
Every 3 weeksl but I'm starting to wonder if I should go sog and go 1 psf. I also picked up a bag of roots organic coco today for the new 2 comin in and took 3 clones per plant. That's how we do it.
Sucks with temps like that man :( I've hit 87 but it hasn't done shit, a lil leaf curl on the youngins but everything else is healthy.


Well-Known Member
they look great mrorganics.. my veg plants dont look that good. with to much going on here i dont have time for i have. my veg plants have stretched and havent had time to work with em.. too tired when i get homne.. gotta do some t/ping this weekend. my thai plant is getting big enough to throw in flower room to sex it.. if its a female ill just let it go.. the other ill take a clone and sex it.

good work, keep up the good fight bro. catch ya later


Active Member
comin across a little extra dough, about 400 and im reinvesting it all in my new veg setup, anyone have any ideas for a diy 3x3 tent? im prob gonna use cfls or i may get the 4 bulb ho t5. as for continuing my grow i might start doing sog unsure yet but i might start doin 16 per run and just doin 1 run ever 2 months. take it easy guys any input is appreciated.


Active Member
ok so its day 5 in flower and these pics were snapped yesterday. oh and i did invest the money into the 2 foot 4 bulb t5HO and my clones are under it, and actually i found i sucessfully rooted a few clones as of today i think about 5 of the 18 almost one of every strain.ForumRunner_20110703_114750.pngForumRunner_20110703_113037.pngForumRunner_20110703_113020.pngForumRunner_20110703_114721.pngForumRunner_20110703_114650.png


Active Member
sorry for quality theyre from my other post first is my auto second is blue cheese 3rd is big blue venom 4th is bushy cali hash plant and last in my fav sturdy pheno grapegod