Indoor monster plant


Active Member
golden ganja when you give plants co2 they can withstand higher temperatures
Yeah, to a point. If you're going to raise the temp, then you have to raise the humidity too. Stomata don't just close when it's excessively hot, but also when the relative humidity is low. The combination of high heat and low RH will make your plant shut up shop.

You also have to make sure there's enough light. Cellular respiration increases with higher temperature as well, so the availability of photosynthetic products then become the limitting factor.

Also the enzymes involved in photosynthesis begin to denature once you hit the early 30s Celcius and after that it's all rapidly down hill no matter how good your RH and light is.

So if you're gonna use CO2 then you need to up the humidity and make sure you maximising light interception so the plant can use the extra atmospheric CO2 more efficiently. Otherwise there's no point to adding CO2 and running your growroom hot.

I think... :-)