indoor growing with sunlight?


Well-Known Member
sure why not? im doing that and giving my plant a few hours of CFL light every day (when the light leaves my window) untill it gets strong and the weather is nice, then shes going out side


Active Member
Seedlings and clones can do well in window light, but it'll need more than that eventually to get very big, much less flower.
what kind of buds can i expect to yield from cfl/sunlight methods? i dont really need it to get that big, i just wanted to see what it was like to grow weed, lol. but i might be getting rid of it sooner or later, because of the smell..,


Well-Known Member
do some reading and start an experimental bagseed grow, just to get a feel of things

asking about yields is like asking a fortune teller how many kids ill have


Well-Known Member
what about it? do you live alone or have neighbors that will mind? is planting it out doors out of the option?
i live in an apartment. planting outdoors is probably going to be somewhere in the near future. i just need to get it going so it wont die