indoor growing need help


Heloo my plantis 14 weeks old and about 4 feet high. Its not flowering or budding. I have a growing kight 75watt and a 60 normal watt and giving 8 hours dark since last week. I m worried as its hight getting too much please help video of plant


Well-Known Member
Switch your light times to 12on 12off. That will induce flowering. The reason its not budding is cos your giving it 16hrs of light which is keeping it in vegetive state

After watching your vid. Your gonna need some more cfls placed lower down in the cab as supplemental side lighting. You'll also need to support her with a cane or something, when she buds she won't be able to hold her weight as she's already leaning over. Good luck man
Plant looks healthy tho dude :)


New Member
looks very healthy 12/12 lighting and it will flower and if your worried about height top or fim next time you grow and get a better light 600 watt or 1000 watt lights work well


Thanks guys i will do 12 by12 from tonight and will it increase the hihht continuosly or will it hold it. I wil place a loght somwhere in midlle to support the weight will put something to hold it. So long we looking to bud?


Well-Known Member
She will continue to stretch for up to 3 weeks (strain dependant). It'll take anywhere from 8 to 14 weeks to fully flower. Again that's strain dependant. What strain is it?


Well-Known Member
i think id get it into a larger pot.You will want more light in the grow..if it stretch's to much you can bend the plants top over and tie it down .
The first thing id do is transplant it into a larger pot.Around 10 gallon pot or 40 litres.Go to 12 / 12 and get you some more lights.
A guy on here grew a massive plant in a closet just like yours with LED lights..cree bulbs to be can find that at lowes and mennards if you have them in your country.
He was using 188 watts of LED cree bulbs is all.Some of the bulbs were mounted over the plant with several mounted in the closet aimed at the side of his plant.
The strain he was growing was called critcal kush.
How mush stretch the plant has depends on what kind of strain it is..afghanis tent to not stretch as much and indicas..Sativas stretch like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Flowering with Cree bulbs[/h]
Just wanted to get this started,will edit and add info later.I'm short a Cree 5000k so I have a 5000k CFL in it's place temp.Lights go on for the first time in 21 minutes.So thats 150 watts of Cree and 112 watts of CFL side lighting.

12-2700k 9.5 watt Cree's
4-5000k 9 watt Cree's
8-14 watt 2700k CFL's side lighting
730 nm Flower Initiator
Intermatic ET8215CR two circuit timer
31" x 31" x 78" cabinet

13.5/10.5 light schedule with 5 minutes of 730 nm at lights out.
LEDS 18" above plant
LSD 19" tall in a 7 gal fabric pot with 35% super soil.

Had some problems with my new timer and temps so first day with everything set right is 5/20.​
Attached Thumbnails



Well-Known Member
Join DateAug 2012

Thought I would throw up a couple pics.
The little deathstar is coming along ok for having been in so bad of shape and probably started flower outside 3 weeks before I got her.
The new critical kush is looking good and I've moved the ring up twice so far but she doesn't seem to be stretching as bad yet, I have fewer watts and more blue with this setup tho.

Added 4 blueberry skunks at day 18.​
Attached Thumbnails

Last edited by captainmorgan; 09-18-2013 at 12:33 AM.
These phots are from capt morgans grow journal.Go look at it and study it.It should help you with your grow.Good luck


Well-Known Member
One thing they all forgot to mention is DO NOT OPEN OR EXPOSE THE PLANT(S) TO ANY LIGHT DURING THE DARK PERIOD!!!!


Here is some recent pics.. troubke is i dont have wide space for bigger pot....
So if i let the plant bend its self would be ok or not ?
Shall i cut the lower branches ?


Well-Known Member
Go read the grow journal in the thread i posted.You will learn allot of information from it.
You could take the top of the plant..pull it down and tie it down if you had to.So relax.A tall bucket would get you more dirt..the more dirt or soil you will have the more production you will get.
Go read captain morgans journal and you will get ideas on what you should do.