Indoor growing gone wrong

Just received a plant called purple sugar. It is day 3 since i have had it i received from a friend. The plant itself is a little under 1 foot tall and not quiet at the vegetative cycle yet. I noticed that some of the leaves are wilting, and turning brown. We recieved the plant from a friend, in perfect condition. We know that the plant going into shock is a possibility, but what can we do to better care for it? We have a single 150 WATT that we bought at a pet store and the light has a BLUE coating, which is on 20 hrs a day, and we water it twice a week. We just started air circulation with a fan today after noticing that it was wilting. What can we do to make it a healthy plant? and another question, what it the proper texture of a leaf?



Well-Known Member
what it the proper texture of a leaf? LULZ!!!!! :)
there is nothing wrong with that question dude! it should be dark green firm but doesn't break when you bend it. not papery or crunchy unless its dead and dark brown. there is alot of assholes on here but feel free to ask any question no matter how small we are here to help bro!:weed:


Well-Known Member
a healthy leaf should look like this

with no wilting, curling drying, yellowing or spotting

sory i cant really discribe the feeling in words... why dont you show us a picture or try discribing the problem a bit better and well see how we can help. my hypothesis is that she is hungry for nutrients, but thats not based on much. what kind of light do you have? 150w incandessent? 150w equivelant CFL? 150w HPS/MH?


Well-Known Member
Could be lack of nutes, no air circulation, or just the light your using is wrong. Keeping that air moving is a must. Hard to tell without a picture ore a more detailed description of ur setup

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
healthy leaves have a bright green appearance and soft velvety texture and not dry brittle. What kind of light are you using? a 150 watt blue light? Like an incadescent light or a cfl?
this is the picture of the of the plant. we are using a 150 watt bulb from a pet store, it is a neodymium basking basking bulb. where can i find the right nutrients for my baby, and what is the perferred bulb? can i use a florescent light from doller tree? if so what watt?


Well-Known Member
you want the highest watage CFL or florescent tubes you can get your hands on. you want the lights to be within a few inches of the plants so that they get the most amount of light from them and the plants dont stretch


Well-Known Member
high pressure sodium, or metal halide, or compact florescents do well!

u can get nutrients at a hydro shop or even on the internet.

wat kind of light is that??? and wheres the picture??


Well-Known Member
this is the picture of the of the plant. we are using a 150 watt bulb from a pet store, it is a neodymium basking basking bulb. where can i find the right nutrients for my baby, and what is the perferred bulb? can i use a florescent light from doller tree? if so what watt?
Lowe's has a 65watt cfl its the size of a food ball if your going with cfl this works great get a few of thoese babies fits right into a normal socket.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
that's what I thought. That is not going to be the right kind of light. That's a basking lamp for a reptile it's probably hot as hell 150 watts!

Go to home depot and get some cfls. There are two kinds your looking for. 1 is a daylight cfl and one is a soft white or warm white. pay no attention to the wattage as it will say 100w equivalent or something but it's only like 27 watts or so. Pay attention to the lumen output of the bulbs. More lumens the better basically but you don't have to buy the huge 16$ cfls, it is better to have more lamps than one big one. Get the daylight cfls for vegetative growth and the warm or soft fof flowering. Get multiple cfls for each plant say like 5000 lumens minimum.
Finally got a picture of my baby. The picture is on page one, and thank you to everyone who help, I'm starting to think that it was the light but please continue giving me feedback everything helps.


Finally got a picture of my baby. The picture is on page one, and thank you to everyone who help, I'm starting to think that it was the light but please continue giving me feedback everything helps.
The browning and whilting of some of the leaves looks a little like a phosphorus deficiency. Here is a nice page to help you diagnose if you aren't certain from replies :