Indoor grow that went outdoor


Well-Known Member
So I was two weeks into flowering my lady inside under a 400w hps when unexpectdly I had to take her to the great outdoors 7 days ago which has been really nice here plenty of sunshine...but to my question she looks like she's continuing to flower will she keep flowering or go back to veg. stage? Shes 4 months old 2.5 feet tall 3 feet across.:confused:


Well-Known Member
How much light were you giving her before? If you were giving 18/6 or 24/0 then moving outside is almost like switching to 12/12. I just moved some plants(bagseed) outside to flower cause I had to make room for some better strains in my indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
she will continue to flower I believe. keep giving flowering nutes, and maybe put her in a shed/garage/your house in a pitch black room. Or cover her some how... it will help with keeping her flowering. veg doesn't stop the flowering stage, it just slows down...keep checking your new growth, if there is hair in there then she is still flowering, ;). Good luck....


Well-Known Member
sorry bad info before i got tackled by the family when they came in....I started her on 12/12 inside under the light for two weeks then took her outside in the woods a week ago.When I checked on her it looks like new hairs popping out everywhere.