Indoor grow op


Active Member
Hi all, im veary noob at all of this and could use your advice. Ok, i have a small little indoor grow op, 3 plants, and its been about a month since the first sprouts came up. The base of this little op has been just a bit of advise my friend gave me (who is posably more noob then me). anyway, the plants are starting to give off a faint smell, and there about 2 feet, 2.5 at most. according to my friend i need to switch my lights to a 12hr schedual or theyll never bud. is this true. i could realy use all the advise anyone can offer, ill try to put pics up tomorrow.:confused:
yes that is true switch them over to 12/12 if there 2ft because they will double in size once they flower..
k, there are little white hairs, but there VEARY little, and all three plant have them, on the stem, between where the leeves connect to the stem.
thats great .. that means they started flowering already..and there females wich you want ofcourse.. what lights are you using?
im not going to laugh but u might have a hard time flowering with those. get some warm white 42w cfls 10bucks each just get one once a week... ull need those for flowering
You shouldn't grow with incandescents and you definitely won't be able to flower. You at least need CFLs (which can screw in to fluorescent fixtures). Since they're already around 2.5ft tall and probably have a huge huge distance between nodes you're not likely to have many bud sites and your plant will be at least 5 ft tall if not 7 when done and produce very little bud.

Read the GROWFAQ . You'll have to invest at least some money if you want anything worthwhile. Otherwise just plant them outside and wait for mother nature to do it for you.
k, lol, incandecents dont work... lol, well serves me right for trying to do things the cheap way. what are CFLs. and out doors was my intention at first, but i planted them way, way too early, im in norther ontario, canada, and althou, contrary to popular beleif, we dont have snow all year round, the snow just melted, and its only going up to +20 durring the day and drops to +7 at night
this whole post has to be bullshit. there's no way you can grow a 24-30 inch plant in one month under a household incandescent light bulb. Also, there's no way you can switch to 12/12 and have your plants show sex within 24 hours. Also Pistils don't pop out from the stem and the word "VERY" does not have an "A". Until you put up some pics to prove me wrong this is all bs man. You can still get advice if you don't have plants yet, no reason to make shit up.
why would i lie... this is all true... and i will have pics tommorow, my camera is at a friends house, and im not going to go and wake him up to get it. and what the hell do you mean by- Also, there's no way you can switch to 12/12 and have your plants show sex within 24 hours. and yes i know there is no a in very, i just have very horrific spelling habbits
well my plant showed sex in about 36hours... so ya but i would like to see pics also and i dont no if the 13 watt is going to cut it you might need to get atleast 26w cfls
yah, well ill drop by canadian tire tommorow, see if i can find anything inexpecive there... well dont know what time it is were u guys are but its 1:30 here, i think ima go to bed, ttyl
