Indoor grow help


Well-Known Member
Hey Im starting my first grow and wanted a few tips as of right now i've already done the germination process which went pretty smooth still waiting on a couple more seed to break. I have them under a 15w CFL for now. like I said im a newbie so if you have any tips and extra advice that would be great.
Read, Read Read! This site, other sites. Read people's grow journals. Invest in a Light. 400W HPS cost me $165. It's the only thing i have spent money on. the rest has been DIY. Write everything in a diary or notebook. keep an open mind and enjoy the experience :D


Well-Known Member
keep the cfls as close as you can to the plants. i say cfls because you need more of them, many more. you need at least 6 cfls that size to grow a plant that wont be light starved. really, 100-200 watts of cfls is the lower range. you also need a fan blowing air on the little plants for them to grow. giving them some source of B1 will help a lot too with stronger stems and faster growing.