Indoor Garden Lighting, Help.


Active Member
I'm putting together an indoor gardening area. Unfortunately, the only space I really have available doesn't get any light to speak of.

My area is between 3' and 4' long and about 2' deep. I am planning on growing a couple flats of lettuce, some small tomatoes, a few pots of carrots, strawberries, and catnip.

I'm considering a 4', 4 or 6 buld t5 setup or a few 125w cfl reflectors. I briefly thought about using metal halide but I don't even want to worry about temperature.

What do you think?


Hii all
Sin simian you have very good idea of indoor garden lighting it will give a different look to home and on idea i want to give you that it will be very good if you use LED in place of any other source of light because it has very smoothing light, water, heat and shock resistance. Very beneficial part is this you can molt in any way as you like. Try this.


Lettuce and catnip don't need nearly as much light as tomatoes and carrots. Tomatoes need 12/12 flowering schedule with a warm spectrum light. Your light intensity dictates your harvest. The higher your lumen output, the better your tomatoes will be.
Lettuce can happily grow under 125 cf as well as catnip.
Don't have much experience w/ LED, so can't advise there. Will you be in soil or hydro?


once again hello to all my friends
and chardy if you want to have some ting more about LED you can have this. See in my opinion LED are the best source of light.

LED lights