Indoor DIY Bubbleponics grow


New Member
Hello fellow twisters,

Ive been snooping around on here for the past year or so gathering information to use in a stealth closet grow. After a ton of research I decided to try and build a bubbleponic system (because of the fast growth rates and small space requirements), but I was unwilling to dish out the money and buy the system offered from Stealth Hydroponics. I have since built a tent and a complete system (for relatively cheap, mind you, minus a few things such as seeds).

The setup:

The closet Im using was smaller than expected (got a different room in the apartment than I originally wanted). It was a few feet deep and wide, deeper on one side than the other, but about ten feet tall. Later Im going to extend the top of the tent, but for now what I have will work.

My "tent" was once a metal shelf taking up space in my basement of my old house. I took it apart, washed everything, sprayed it down with pesticides, took the shelves out, extended the depth, and bolted some sheet metal and plastic around the sides for support.

This hole is where the carbon filter and fan are going to go on (when the shipment comes in).

and this is the floor, sheet metal and duct tape.

I then wrapped the thing in decent sized tarp, and lined the inside with mylar.

Please note, as this is a work in progress and Im still waiting on pieces to arrive, it doesnt look as good as it will. Im going to make a nice door and ceiling for it but I have to wait for the carbon filter and velcro to come in. Anyways, thats the tent. Took me two solid days of cutting sheet metal and bolting things together, cost me about 25 bucks for the mylar and Ive got half the roll left, the tarp was 4.99.

While waiting for the contact cement to dry, I put together the bubbleponic system as well.

I took an 18 gal plastic tub, bought new, that I used for moving, cleaned the inside, and tossed it in the tent. The lid was a bit trickier. I drilled out 6 holes for my 3.75inch net pots, did some jury rigging on my 185 gal water pump (it didnt come with enough parts) and hooked it up to a 6 outlet irrigation drip. I also invested in two 8 dollar air stones, hooked up the water pump to the net pots, cut out a space for the air tubes and power cord for the water pump, and put it all together. Some pics:

Then I put the rockwool cubes (soaked and ph adjusted) and hydroton in the pots, turned it on, everything worked. All the water was ph adjusted after it was all put together.

The good stuff:

The priciest investment for this venture was the seeds themselves. I ordered a few different types of seeds, had a bunch of bag seeds lying around, and wanted to test out the different growth rates on this first grow. I germinated two White Label Rhino seeds, one Delta C99 seed, one Greenhouse The Church seed, and two bag seeds.

The White Rhinos and one of the bag seeds refused to pop, so after two days I put in three more of the Rhinos. Hopefully those pop tonight or tomorrow. THe seeds that did sprout were placed in their new homes.

For lighting, I purchased an LED 90 watt UFO, along with two smaller LED for supplemental lighting, both 11 watt, one at 5000k and one at 2700k.

The humidity in the tent is sticking at around 40%, temperature is around 80 (the LED are running really cool) and I tossed a 4 inch personal fan in to get some air movement.

Two of the three seeds that sprouted are looking good, while the c99 is having a slight issue. The shell wouldnt come off the top of the plant, slowing its growth and looking really ridiculous. I put some water on it, to soften the shell, and then just squeezed it a bit and pulled it off. Hopefully that wont cause any issues, and as its only been growing for such a short period of time, I hope it can recover.

Here are some pictures of the little sprouts after a day:

Apologies for the pink tint of everything, the UFO creates some interesting light patterns.

Any tips or comments are appreciated, Ill keep this updated as much as possible.



Well-Known Member
I've never personally used LED's but isn't 112 watts a little low for 3 plants? I currently have a 110W HO T5 and 2 26W CFL's and it barely manages 3 mothers + clones.

Other than that, it looks great sir. Good luck with your grow, it seems like you've done most of your research.


New Member
You are correct, sir. I believe that, with the limited size of the tent, and the very directional LED lighting, I can work the ones Im growing through a few weeks of veg until I can grab another light. Funds are pretty limited over here, gotta pay rent. Im looking to add another 90 watt at least, and then separate the clones and the mothers (top and bottom) in the tent. Any advice on cloning gel to use?


Well-Known Member
I have dyna-gel (bought at HTG supply retailer). I honestly don't see much difference by using the gel other than 1-2 days cut of on visible roots outside of starter pellets.


New Member
Without the gel you just stick it in the rockwool and it grows? Im not too familiar with pellets, I havent done enough research clearly. Would you care to point me in the direction of some good reading on the subject?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, I haven't tried hydro at all yet. But when I took my first few clones I just threw them in a cup of water for about a week, changing water daily. After that I saw tiny hair like roots, put it in a pellet and about 3-4 days later roots were coming out of the sides.


New Member
I have no idea, I haven't tried hydro at all yet. But when I took my first few clones I just threw them in a cup of water for about a week, changing water daily. After that I saw tiny hair like roots, put it in a pellet and about 3-4 days later roots were coming out of the sides.
Ill definitely look into it, save myself some trouble down the road. Thank you sir!