Indoor dirt pests?


Well-Known Member
Im curious if there is a section that I am unable to find that has the various types of indoor dirt pests...

Last night when I was visiting my plants i noticed this little white bug. He has long little antennas, and he was creepy. I went to smoosh him with my fingers but he JUMPED!

Then I realized there were quite a bit of them. I checked my plants over and the stem and everything looked fine as far as bugs. So far they dont appear to be eating the plant but I dont know what may be going on under the dirt!

Anyone know of where I can find pics and stuff of the little bugs that could show up in an INDOOR DIRT grow??


Active Member
It was probably an aphid. Did it look like this?

They're a little bit smaller than a tic-tac and sometimes you can see if they laid eggs on your plant by looking underneath the leaves. The types of indoor pests probably depends on where you live.

But anyway, I'm curious about this too. I had my plant outside and some insects were definitely munching hard on it.

Now I've brought it inside, but I'm wondering if there could still be bugs.

Growing guides tell me not to use any pesticides, but I'm sure that SOMETHING must be safe.


Well-Known Member
ew yuck... Those might be them but I dont think so.

So no one has a good pesticide to use?

I never had my plants outside.. so these fuckers mustve just formed from thin air.... or they developed from dirt, air and water?!?!


Active Member
ew yuck... Those might be them but I dont think so.
The pics look gross because they're high magnification.

Without zooming in, they look more like this:

(a whole bunch of them)

If they're that small, yeah it's an aphid. If it was just one, I wouldn't worry about it.

I never had my plants outside.. so these fuckers mustve just formed from thin air.... or they developed from dirt, air and water?!?!
They can get inside.


Well-Known Member
Weird. All of those pics looks different than eachother... I dont think its any of those.

So what do you do if you cant use pesticides?


Well-Known Member
Looks like maybe a recent hatch. You're outside? A predator insect will be along shortly. If you're gonna spray, I suggest a pyrethrum-based one. Used on veggies/fruits up to one day before harvest. Don't spay your pistils (when they come)
Mine's called "Eight"
Should be fine.
Is this insect even doing any damage? If not, what's the problem? This bug might deter some other more destructive pest.
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Well-Known Member
Looks like maybe a recent hatch. You're outside? A predator insect will be along shortly. If you're gonna spray, I suggest a pyrethrum-based one. Used on veggies/fruits up to one day before harvest. Don't spay your pistils (when they come)
Mine's called "Eight"
Should be fine.
Is this insect even doing any damage? If not, what's the problem? This bug might deter some other more destructive pest.
Outside? = Not outside.. inside. I said that...

Damage = no.. As I stated in the original post I dont notice any damage.

What's the problem? = As stated in the post, I am unsure if perhaps below the dirt they are causing a problem?? Maybe they eat roots?? Who knows.. Thats why I am here asking.


Well-Known Member
Pyrethrum . . . I'd get rid of them. So sorry for the misinterpretation . . . or you could look into food grade diatoacious earth (DE) which sticks to soft bodied insects and dehydrates them to death.