Indoor Closet Grow 2008-2009


Active Member
Alright so hey everybody. I usually lurk these forums a lot and I've used it for a good reference whenever I helped some friends with grows. Well, now after 2 sucessful, small organic grows on my own, I'm gonna go full out.

I cleared out my entire closet, and I'm going to begin lining it with mylar between the next day or two. I have the floor coated in plastic. I plan on using anywhere between twelve to twenty,40-60ish watt CFL's on a light rack system I planned out to allow for full 360 degree coverage of the plants.

I'm pretty set on growing 4 plants right now, and cloning them later on and moving them into a seperate room with a small HPS [150 watt] to sex em sometime within the next 2 months. I'm not sure if I want to grow these 4, and whatever females I get continuing to Veg them in my closet until spring and transplant them outside, or if I should just veg and flower em all in the closet [if i did that it'd be all CFL's and T5's] and then after that crop starting a completely different one to transplant into the ground next spring.

I'm almost about to harvest my small little patch in my outdoor garden soon, and I just started germinating 12 seeds earlier tonight. [i know that's a lot if i'm only planning for 4, but it's a 'just in case' kinda thing. i've got plenty of seeds..] And I'm going to pick up the rest of my needed supplies within the next day or so.

So yeah, pretty excited.

October 4th, 2008
8:18 pm
Began germinating 12 seeds.


Active Member
Alright I forgot to mention, anyone is free to post here with suggestions, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism [no flaming, please. i'm a humble stoner. :blsmoke:] and whatnot. Pretty much anything that isn't just useless flaming or hate talk and the like.

Anyway, today's update.

October 5th, 2008
5:30 pm
Checked the seeds, about half of them have cracked but their little tails haven't quite shown themselves yet. Thankfully i'm a patient guy haha. :)