Indoor AutoFlower Growbox

Heyyy. This is my first grow journal, and my first serious growbox :-P Ordered some seeds from Attitude, decided to grow the free autoflowering Roadrunner (lowryder/dinafem genetics) seed first, so I could give my skills a test run before I grow the seeds I ordered (Fruity Chronic).

This is about 2 weeks into it. Usin' a 400w HPS lamp, got an exhaust vent, two intake vents, and a couple fans to help circulate the air. The soil is Miracle Grow soil, mixed with a bunch of Perlite and Vermiculite. Got a thermometer in there too, right next to the plant.

The screen will prob'ly be removed shortly - I feel that growing SCROG with an autoflowering plant may not be the best route, as it has such a short lifespan. Will definitely be growing SCROG with the next grow, though :-)

Feels like I'm doing alright so far :-D So, feel free to post any comments/questions/suggestions.

The Roadrunner's comin' along good so far. Waterin' her down thoroughly every other day with rain water...Having a bit of a task keeping the temp in check, but it never goes above 86 degrees, luckily. Feel like a kid waitin' on Christmas or something, haha.
**EDIT** Checked out my RR a bit more closely, leaves are showing crystals, and there's a smell to the plant already...Normal this early? This is my first grow, so all this is still new for me.

Not a ton of change, yet. Still got my lights on 24/0, keepin' the temp around 75-82 degrees. She looks pretty healthy so far :-D Almost 3 weeks old, now. Wish I had other RRs to compare against mine, haha.
She's still looking good so far...seems I haven't screwed it up yet, haha. A few of the leaves are beginning to look a bit "twisted", not entirely sure why, but I suspect it's because of the fans blowing on em. Will prob'ly move the fans around to see if it fixes the issue. We're officially at week 3 of growth, got another month and a half to go! :-)
Girlfriend dumped out my rainwater bucket outside (I got drunk/passed out, and she got locked outside - she had to use the bucket to climb through a window!) So I gotta figure out a way to replace it, since there's another watering coming up tomorrow night >< No idea what the PH of my tapwater is, and I don't own any PH equipment. Bleh. You guys got any ideas? Maybe some bottled water or something....
Sorry for the blurriness of the pic, my camera isn't the best (been through hell and back, I'm surprised it still works, honestly). You can notice what I meant by the twisting of the leaves though.
Quick update, the RR is lookin good so far, growing more quickly now. Seeing what looks like pistils shooting out in a bunch of places, will add pics later after work. Almost 4 weeks old now.