Indoor 3 month old plants


Got 3 beautiful 3 mo old plants growing indoors from natural sunlight - a good 9-10 hours of it a day. First time grower - and now I'm not sure what to do next. Do I cut back on the light to induce flowering or do I wait for it to happen naturally since they have been raised on natural sunlight, and how long will it take to flower? Two plants are Sativa's and one is Indica (it's really short and bushy). Not sure if they have hairs indicating their sex yet - looks like it on the Sativa's but not the Indica. The two Sativa's are almost 3 feet tall - the Indica is about 18 in. I will stick up some photos if that helps.

Thanks for your help. :joint:


Well-Known Member
u need to get 12hrs light 12 hours dark to start them flowering.
and them sativas r gonna get big

Got 3 beautiful 3 mo old plants growing indoors from natural sunlight - a good 9-10 hours of it a day. First time grower - and now I'm not sure what to do next. Do I cut back on the light to induce flowering or do I wait for it to happen naturally since they have been raised on natural sunlight, and how long will it take to flower? Two plants are Sativa's and one is Indica (it's really short and bushy). Not sure if they have hairs indicating their sex yet - looks like it on the Sativa's but not the Indica. The two Sativa's are almost 3 feet tall - the Indica is about 18 in. I will stick up some photos if that helps.

Thanks for your help. :joint:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
hope you have room usually indoor at 3 months you d be harvesting by now. 3 foot sativas will finish around 7-9 feet tall during flower as rule of thumb sativas triple to quadruple in height and indicas will maybe double. Get them into 12/12 light and make sure they are in at least 5 gallon pot since they are so big already. intrroduce your bloom nutez and your good to go


Ok, so even tho they are 3 months old, get some lighting and do 12/12? How long since they are really growing well with the sunlight? This started out as an experiment, I was thinking they were getting hairs (the Sativas), but not sure. Thanks again guys.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
depends on your room. like I said the sativas will push 9 ffet if they are 3 feet now. the flowering time for sativas will be 9-13 weeks and the indica -6-9 weeks


LOL...Here I thought they were getting ready to do something..lmao. So what happens if I keep them on the natural sunlight? OR..what if I start decreasing their light all together, will that induce flowering or just kill them? We transplanted 2 outside already, they are doing great. I'm still laughing...9 feet...omg..hehe.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
if you knock the light down to a 12/12 schedule they will flowewr if they grow outside then they will follow the natural light schedule in your area and finish sometime around august probably higher then 9 feet


k - thanks for the info. I don't know what I'm doing lol, but wish I would have started them out 24/24, kind of at a loss really. They never have received more than 10-11 hours of light a day. Just seems weird to increase the light to 12/12, but I'll try it and see. Thanks again.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
are they indoor or outdoor plants as you say they are both?? indoors you veg at lights on 24 to 18 hours a day then go 12/12 outside you plant in early spring and let the natural progression of light guide the plants life cycle but you can force it to flower out side by covering it.


They are growing under natural sunlight indoors. The plants were an experiment and now I have 3 beautiful plants - we did plant some outside. I'm concerned about my 3 indoor plants because they have been growing under 9-11 hours of natural light for 3 months and now I'm not sure what to do next. I was told to decrease their light to 8 hours and dark 16 - but I'm not sure. I don't want to kill them, they are beautiful and I want them to bud out. ANY help is appreciated - 2 are Sativa and 1 is Indica - they are bushy, tall and strong, so I must be doing something right - except for the lighting issue - eeek. Thanks again experts :).


Active Member
Here are some pics of my indoor - natural light babies. Am I on a the right track or do they look funky? I love these things, so any help to save them is greatly appreciated.
When people say switch them to 12/12...they mean 12 hrs of total, complete darkness and twelve hours of light - even if only 9-10 of that light is bright sunlight. You can have a plant growing in your living room that never flowers because even the light from the tv can throw off the 12/12 schedule.

does that make sense?

IMHO...either move them outside and flower them naturally in the fall or figure out a way to block all light for 12 hrs a day....might be tough with a giant sativa plant!

PS...they look beautiful!

good luck


Well-Known Member
Put them into the largest tubs that you can carry r build a section that goes under the biggest pots you can find i normaly go for not the plant section get some that builders mix cement in these will give you a great root system.the square section that goes under the tubs will take 4 wheels on each end so it is easy to move them around.put the plants into a mix of compost 80% perlite 20% give it a good mix and transplant the plants into em.make sure that you put plenty of holes in the bottom for drainage.put them out say at 8am and bring them in at 8pm make a blackout tent to go over the plants make sure there is no light leak that way you are still useing the sun to your advantage.but once transplanted i would leave to veg another couple of month and you will be getting themax yeiled should get a pound per plant easy.there is no better growroom than mother earth.i grew 6 arjons ultra haze last year the least yeild of one plant was 1 and harf pound the most just under growing the way that you are you can optamise the sun by moveing the plants to where ever the sun is post pictures this could be a great grow.


Thanks so much for the advice. I haven't been giving them the darkness they need! :-? So, I am going to put them on a strict routine. Didn't realize all the extra light they have been getting.

I have just two more questions - they are 3 mo now, so how long do you think it will take them to show sex and flower once I get them on a better 12/12 routine? I'm really excited to see them bud, and I know there is a difference between the Indica and Sativa - so how much bigger do you think they will grow?

You all are great! Thanks :hug: :joint: