

Well-Known Member
Not exactly the detailed sort of definition I had hoped for, but what the heck.

And if I were lucky enough to still have the original Dalat my brother in law brought home from Vietnam and you had the luxury of smoking it, after about two hits you would be crying for your mama because you would not know what hit you. I saw true hardened party commandos who found it too much for them. It did not cause paranoia, but it was faster than a rocket-sled. Some claimed it had to be laced with something, but it wasn't. My brother in law shipped back two large stereo speakers he bought at a PX in 'Nam and mostly filled them with Dalat but included a large bag of Dalat seeds. When he returned he went to N.C. State as a horticulture major and he grew it himself and it was not laced with anything ... it was just pure natural high octane of the type that most people today could not even begin to imagine has ever existed.

That stuff was pure Warp 10 and it was ceiling-less and the closest herb I have ever smoked to being hallucinogenic. It was mind warping plus ... but you didn't want to sit on your butt when it hit .. you wanted to do something, anything, go somewhere, anywhere, you wanted to experience things instead of just lounging around vegetating.

That's why I have always said sativa's rule and indicas make you drool.
well you had the latter right.. indicas do make you drool... in more ways then one.....


bud bootlegger
damn.. the infamous dalat ehh brick.. what those seeds would be worth nowadays.. doesn't reeferman have a dalat strain or cross? ever had i think its called elephant or elephant foot bricktop..


Well-Known Member
Strongest I have smoked is a cut of larry OG kush this indica is prolly almost pure flowers in exactly 60 days everytime and I have never smelt a plant stink in veg like a flowering plant. This smoke will floor even the seasoned smoker I describe the high as a crippling affect wonder the CBD level?


Well-Known Member
Looks like kush very popular, crossed with many strains,and no wonder, very easy indoors, compact plants, good yeilds with hard nugs. How strong is it, does it make u gaw gaw goo goo, 911 bozo, this is the 5th time today i smoked and im ripped again, strong enuf for me.

Brick Top

New Member
damn.. the infamous dalat ehh brick.. what those seeds would be worth nowadays.. doesn't reeferman have a dalat strain or cross? ever had i think its called elephant or elephant foot bricktop..

There is nothing in Reeferman's line called elephant or elephant foot. The ripoff place called BC Seeds had a strain it called elephant bud and and several others with elephant in it. It is the place that lies and claims THC levels of 30% to 50% and higher for almost everything in it's line.

The way the section of article below ends is true, it is so very, very true. " the sad fact remains that most folks younger than 45 simply have never experienced the mind-bending high of the pure land-race sativa strains of Southeast Asia."

I have toked since 1968. I have sampled almost every big name, highly rated strain there has been and when it came to sheer potency, nothing I have ever smoked came close to what my brother in law brought home from Vietnam and said there it was called Dalat.

The father of one of my friend's son's college roommate is an entertainment attorney in LA. He gets high and his son gets high and he gets his son his pot and it is the same pot that Hollywood entertainers and famous producers and the biggest name directors and major sports figures, some of which are clients of the attorney, smoke. I have smoked the very same strains many times. I have purchased some several times, gotten high with the guy numerous times and was given an ounce once for a Christmas present, and while I will admit whatever strain or strains they were, were damn good, they still fell shy of being are potent or as pleasurable as Dalat.

People who were not alive or not old enough to smoke when such strains were common love to talk about how what they smoke today is the very best that has ever existed, but they do not have the slightest clue about the strains they were never lucky enough to experience.

They're like some kids who got their hands on a bottle of Old Grand Dad 101 proof or Wild Turkey 101 proof and got drunk and ever since said it's the very best there has ever been, it's the most potent thing you can drink .. but they have never had the chance to sip some good ole' fashion North Carolina Moonshine and they refuse to believe the good ole' fashion North Carolina Moonshine would make their Wild Turkey or Old Grand Dad seem like Boone's Farm wine in comparison. Not matter how many times you tell them they will still attempt to speak as if they are experts, even though they never so much as one single time experienced what they say is not as potent.

It's also like how many kids of today will have their tiny engine Japanese cars they put performance exhaust system on and think they have a fast car, but refuse to accept that a 1968 Hurst Super Stock Dart/Barracuda would run a quarter mile in 10.3 seconds and leave their car in the dust, or how a 1970 Buick GS Stage 2 would turn in a high 10 second time. They refuse to accept that the 1968 Hurst Super Stock Dart/Baracuda's 426 had 525 HP (which was intentionally advertised at that lower figure than what it actually cranked out because if they gave the true horsepower insurance companies would not insure it) so it actually had higher horsepower. And that was how they were when they rolled out of the factory or rolled off the showroom floor. You didn't have to do anything to them to get that out of them other than put gas in the gas tank.

One of my friends in high school had a 1968 426 Barracuda and he would tape a $100.00 bill to the dashboard in front of the passenger seat and say if anyone could grab it and pull it off the dash from the time he took off until the time he hit 4th gear it was there's. Many people tried, including me, and no one ever got the $100.00 bill. Kids today have no conception of the incredible thrust that would force you back so deep into and against the seat that you could not lean forward and reach that short distance while he went through the gears. They love to think they have fast cars and that the old Detroit heavy iron was all a myth. The biggest problem with cars with such power was getting and maintaining traction. You needed to know how to 'work' a clutch or you would spin and spin and spin your tires and end up having to come from behind to win. My friend with the 'Cuda put on a set of wide high traction tires and traction bars. After that he had problems snapping axle shafts. You'd pull them out to replace them and they would be in two or more pieces and they were twisted and looked a lot like drill bits. At one point he added a set of Hooker headers and the old 50's and early 60's "Lake Pipes' with the cutout valve where you could cruise up to someone sounding quiet because your exhaust would be going through your mufflers but just before he'd 'run 'em' he'd flip the valve to bypass the back pressure of the muffled exhaust and as in the old Beach Boy's song, his Lake Pipes roared. If he 'ran' someone without flipping the valve because he had the caps on his Lake Pipes sometimes he'd blow the valve and the caps off the Lake Pipes.

Many or most of the younger people here will believe such stories to be myths, just like many or most of you here believe stories of Dalat and some of the other old true pure landrace strains of the past are a myths. But neither are myths and moonshine is not a myth either.

At times I really do not know if I am more shocked or more amused by people who never experienced certain things in life talking about them as if they know all about them and getting everything they say about them totally incorrect and at the same time bragging up something that could not hold a candle to the thing they say was nothing in comparison to the only things, the very limited number of things, that they actually know about, the only things they have ever personally experienced.

You cannot find the real true pure landrace strains of the past anymore, even though some breeders claim to have and sell them. They are not the same, they are attempted recreations, but not the real deal and they all fall short of the mark. Some are damn good smoke, but they are not the Real McCoy by any means.

I do not know if any or many of the old strains still exist in their totally pure form anywhere on earth today. Maybe they do and maybe they don't. But if they do you will never see 'The Dutch Master's offering them in their totally pure form because they don't want tokers to know that The Holy Grail was created long ago by evolution or God or Mother Nature or Yahweh or through intelligent design and that they have been wasting their time attempting to create a better mousetrap than the most perfect mousetrap that could ever exist. Their egos would never allow them to admit the truth. They would fear the loss of their rock star of pot status, that they would no longer be seen as God's of ganja and instead be seen as rank amateurs who have successfully pawned themselves off on the younger generation as being seen and believed to be more capable at creating perfection than thousands and thousands and thousands of years of evolution did or what God or Mother Nature or Yahweh or intelligent design or whoever or whatever was capable of creating.

The very best of the very best has gone the way of dinosaurs and dial telephones but the puppies of today still want and need to believe that they have something better no matter how many times people who know the truth due to experiencing it all over the decades tell them that they are wrong.


A Pot Crop Lives Now

by Dr. Dalat
Thu, Jun 16, 2005 12:23 pm
more: grow articles, vietnam, old school weed, dalat, august 2005

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The story of a war-veteran helicopter pilot who never got higher than when he smoked the fabled Vietnamese strains while “in country.” Decades later, he seeks out these same plants to grow for himself at home and to smoke through his retirement.

Story & photos by Dr. Dalat

Thirty-two years ago, I was a 20-year-old fresh-faced and very naive young man sent to Southeast Asia by the US government—caught up, like so many of my generation, in the wide, sweeping net of the final military draft of the last century and sent to fight the war in Vietnam. As a helicopter pilot, I flew all over the central highlands of that country, circa 1969-71, and experienced much of the worst that man has to offer his fellow man, but also plenty of the best. One of my most remarkable memories was discovering a plantation of 30-foot-tall cannabis sativa trees in a very isolated province called Dalat.

Dalat at that time was way off the beaten path. Nestled between two mountain ranges at an altitude of around 4,500 feet and really only accessible from the air (I had a distinct advantage because of my air mobility), the region was rumored amongst the grunts to be the birthplace of Ho Chi Minh, North Vietnam’s spiritual and political leader, and therefore off limits to the enemy Viet Cong. The truth of the matter was, of course, quite different. In reality, the VC used Dalat for R&R (rest and relaxation) for their troops and therefore, quite wisely, refrained from initiating any action in and around the province. In effect, both sides considered it an unofficial “no-fire zone.”

While on one of my many fly-ins to Dalat City, I met the owner of the cannabis plantation—a wonderful older French gentleman who was always more than kind when it came to sharing his bounty. For our part, those of us in the helicopter crews kept him well stocked with much-needed and hard-to-get staples and supplies that we would scavenge from the various US base mess halls and supply depots that we visited regularly.

The best of the sativas came from the highland areas of Vietnam, places like Ban Me Thuot and Pleiku, and were similar to the highland Thai sativas in almost all respects. The very best of all were grown in the province of Dalat—cultivated for centuries by the indigenous tribes of mountain people known as Montagnards (although in their language, they refer to themselves as “Human Beings”), these crops produced without a doubt the most remarkable and mind-expanding herb I’ve ever experienced.

Keep in mind that the Montagnard people are an ancient culture, with no real written record—only stories passed down from generation to generation. I recall most vividly sitting amongst the tribal chieftains and listening to them chant stories about “the beginnings of time” and how cannabis had been with them forever to guide them on their spiritual journey of pantheism. They have two words in their language for cannabis. The first translates loosely as “Path to the Gods.” The second is used only if you smoke too much of this fine herb, and it describes the state of mind of someone who has done just that. It translates simply as “The Mind of God.”

For many of us who served the “Masters of War” in those days, Vietnamese pot became our path to sanity, our lifeline. It was a simple yet very effective way of maintaining peace of mind amidst the chaos of the conflict—an escape from the horrendous reality of our daily lives. From 1964 to 1974, thousands of US soldiers came home from the war carrying as much of this “boo” with them as possible—introducing the exotic smokes of Southeast Asia to the world at large, the seeds of which would provide the main genetic building blocks for many modern strains of cannabis. Ask anyone who came of age during that time, and you’ll notice a quick flash of the eyes as their mind recalls the experience of smoking “the jungle kind.” Though often ridiculed by younger generations as the quaint musings of aging hippies, the sad fact remains that most folks younger than 45 simply have never experienced the mind-bending high of the pure land-race sativa strains of Southeast Asia.
Like it or not, accept it or not, neither matters in the least because it is a fact.


Well-Known Member
Like it or not, accept it or not, neither matters in the least because it is a fact.
That shit could be had, outside the wire. (outside of the firebase there was always a little village)

$10 American for a bag (like a grocery bag) :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
In Hawaii we get "Elephant Weed" once or twice a year and I tell ya, 1 hit and it is like 4 knuckles in da forehead, a real 1 whack and medivac! I would love to find some seeds or a clone of this amazing plant.


Well-Known Member
dude thats the shit my uncles are always telling me.ive smoked some of my best herb with them and they'll say the same shit.they say that the weed over there would almost have you trippin'.they always bitch about not bringing none back.