no where near dry if that little bud is 12 gramz. Im calling it your a bullshitter. not a hater either, at all, but reading some of the shit you put down just doesn't add up to me. Maybe im just retarded i don't know.
no need for the bad energy guys, i try to be as honest as i can all the time, i can guarantee you that i got 24 oz first time, last grow was my second grow, and i didnt get any help from the guy who taught me, so i was on my own this time, and used the knowledge that he gave me. i bought the tent he used to own and he bout a double tent (twice as big) he recently just pulled JUST under 3 lb for 2 plants.
first grow i filled 3 5litre jars and 2 small jars, this time i only filled 2 large and one small, but the density is out of this world im telling you!!!, i had to chop all my heads down to about golf ball size, so they could actually dry.
Look I'm not saying i'll get my pound and a half this time round.......I'm just hoping, i know i got my pound, i can feel the weight, and its dry, cause i had it jarred up all night last night, tipped it out this morning, and its, nice and crisp, and buds are snapping off, ok pic time i think,
you guys can be skeptical all you want, or you can take my kind words with a grain of salt, and maybe think, he doesn't care exactly what he gets!
anything close to a pound for me, and i'll be stoked! I have no reason to exaggerate my yield, and have been doubting myself recently, but please wait and see, hope i don't make myself look like a total fool!
btw my mate yielded 8 oz off one plant, this strain, and he only used a 400watt., k i just weighed up, ok i'll eat my foot but i'm still happy as, got some sik quality!!! weighed smaller stuff first,
came in at 254 grams, then i weiged the head tips, came in at 171 grams, so 425 grams total, plus i took a couple of early nugs off at the start, so + another 10 or so grams.

K, so i'm now attempting to eat my feet!!! don't be hatin!!!, i put it down to the hot weather, waaaaaay to hot to get massive yield, i maybe could of veg'ed for another week, but with house inspections i cut a fine line with timing!!