indica xxl from sagarmatha seeds

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New Member
This fucking company says their indica xxl is 2 of their most potent indicas crossed together to make the indica xxl. But i fucking contacted them to know what the 2 crosses were, it's white widow crossed with northern lights.

Omfgggg i need strictly a pure indica with low odor, i should have just bought northern lights fem from sensi, that's at least 90% indica.

White widow is a cross of a pure sativa x indica hybrid, which should be making it a 60% sativa and 40% indica, and most northern lights from what i'm seeing are all hybrids.

i'm already 3 weeks in almost, not that long, BUT I NEEDED MY FUCKING MEDICINE ASAP

So fuck sagarmatha seeds. Fuck that company




Well-Known Member
Sagarmatha is really great company. It sucks that you chose a strain without knowing the exact lines. I think you will be really psyched with the final product. It does suck that you will have to wait awhile. There are threads on RIU that give advice on 50 day strains. I would try to look at this as a lesson learned. Its time to dive into the exact genetics of all the plants will grow for 3-6 months. Like I said before, be happy you are waiting on a great product from a great company. Good luck. Take care. :leaf:


Well-Known Member should have everything (almost) as far as the gentic lineage of most strains and seed companies. I've had no issues with a strain of theirs. Other than that, did you buy the strain just based on a name and didn't look up the X? There are PLENTY of heavy dutch indicas out there, just gotta do the research man.


Well-Known Member
I don`t know if this will help but I just ordered this because I wanted a 100% indy plant for a cross in planning. seedsman - ata tundra[h=1][/h]


Well-Known Member
I don`t know if this will help but I just ordered this because I wanted a 100% indy plant for a cross in planning. seedsman - ata tundra
I guess you dont understand genetics.

Of them you can stillflower a fast sativa-indica strain like W Widow and find it indica dominant.

Fact is most dutch Widow as been pushed down the fast flowering indica side of the genes not the sativa . Same with NL


Well-Known Member
I LOVE anything Widow dom. You will be happy, and widow IS a fast flowering strain. I have 6 different strains going now, and my 2 fastest are both widow crosses. My Blue Venom, she is 5-5 1/2 wks in, and looks nearly finished! I will prob harvest between week 7 & 8! Dont be so upset, end outcome will be good. Next time, do a bit of research. I am a genetics whore and buy alot of ceeds. I check all the major banks to read their product descriptions and also will check the breeders site. If i still have any doubts, i will contact the breeder and (almost) all of them are happy to help, and will get back to u quickly.

Please update this thread at the end of your grow. We would like to know how it went, and to see if your opinion has changed any.


New Member
man fuck it, i just ordered afghani from homegrown fantaseeds. time to get a fucking pure 100% indica. pretty sure the smell is gonna reak tho.

im not gonna waste my time on this hybrid. if i wanted to smoke a hybrid, i'll have plenty connects. as for pure indica. NONE.

i had a lot of hopes for indica xxl, even look at my fucking username. but now..... FUCK U SAGARMATHA, I DONT FEEL BAD FOR U AT ALL FOR GETTING RAIDED U FUCKING FUCK. FUCK U TONY (OWNER OF THE COMPANY)


New Member
what should i do with this plant? there's room for 2 plants, but if i do 2 plants, i'll yield less on the afghani right?


Well-Known Member
man fuck it, i just ordered afghani from homegrown fantaseeds. time to get a fucking pure 100% indica. pretty sure the smell is gonna reak tho.

im not gonna waste my time on this hybrid. if i wanted to smoke a hybrid, i'll have plenty connects. as for pure indica. NONE.

i had a lot of hopes for indica xxl, even look at my fucking username. but now..... FUCK U SAGARMATHA, I DONT FEEL BAD FOR U AT ALL FOR GETTING RAIDED U FUCKING FUCK. FUCK U TONY (OWNER OF THE COMPANY)

I am shocked by what you wrote to honest. Wishing some else bad wishes b/c you didnt do your research is wrong on so many accounts my man. By having 3 total posts, it doesn't hold much credit in this community of growers either. Grow em out or give them away to someone who may enjoy them more than you.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, what seems to be the fucking problem? I cant tell if you are a troll or are only 12 years old. NO ONE in the community is going to be willing to help you when acting like this. Do your homework. It is no ones fault (not even the breeder) but your own. And in tgis game, the game that WE ALL PLAY, how could you wish/be glad that someone got busted? What the hell is the matter with you?

Here is some research for you (g-o-o-g-l-e):

The Indica XXL strain of marijuana combines two very strong Indica strains into one, synergizing their best traits seamlessly. She has been referred to as heavy, solid, hard, stoney and overall wonderful. Indica XXL cannabis exemplifies how an Indica strain should look, smell, grow, taste and most importantly, feel. She reaches out with trichrome-covered fingers to grab you around your brain, blocking out your ability to receive pain. She allows you to feel better for a change and concentrate more on activities you would like to accomplish - instead of always dreading motion because of years-long chronic pain. Indica XXL marijuana fixes that. She lets you function again!'s Indica XXL Marijuana Buzz Rating: Medicinally Powerful Body Stones That Keep You Happy And Relaxed...

Breeder Sagarmatha tells you that the Indica XXL cannabis strain requires between 49 and 56 days of flowering. A fog-like aroma will waft around her developing buds which, when mature, will be blanketed in sticky, resin-filled crystals that make you want to eat her! Her flowers will bow their heavy heads, straining to not snap her own stock. Give her what she needs for just about seven and a half weeks of flowering, then add on 3 to 4 more weeks for drying and curing. At that point, you're going to have one seriously delicious yield of powerful cannabis Indica buds that will make you the envy of everyone you know. Have fun with your cultivation and consumption experiences with the Indica XXL strain of marijuana!


Well-Known Member
canna_420 you must have trouble understanding plan English. the poster wanted a 100% indy plant not a hybrid. you either have trouble understanding English or math, it may have been the 100% thing that got you not sure.
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