Indica, sativa, or hybrid?


Active Member
No idea about the strain but I found it in some purple kush. I have no idea what a hybrid looks like, I googled and didnt find squat. So im really confused as to what she is. Any help would be greatly appreciated:)



Well-Known Member
Last pic looks sativa, second pic looks indica, so I guess it'd be a mix. I'm no pro, just goin by my observations :P


I agree it's a mix but with those long skinny leaves it looks to me like it has a good percentage of sativa in it.


Active Member
Awesome I was hoping she was a hybrid! Yeah shes a beast shes about to be almost 4 ft I vegged only 24 days she wont stop giving. Im in the closet so she needs to chill out ha. Over 40 colas. Its insane. My first sucessful grow :) ppl think its easy to grow...but they are sadly mistaken