Indica or Sativa?


All my plants were grown from random seeds that i came across while smoking with my friends! I'm having a hard time figuring out whether my two biggest plants are Indica or Sativa? The plant on the right is three separate plants in one pot while the one on the left is a single. Any ideas?


hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
a lot of sativas don't look it at the start of growth, and there's strains like durban poison and burmese whose leaves look indica, but are called pure sativas, and there are plants that look sativa that are pure stone too. without actually smoking some bud, i'd say HYBRID.


Well-Known Member
That is three plants the sativa one? You should split them up before the roots get all up on each other... Put three plants in a pot one will be a male


Well-Known Member
You said the plant to the right.. Is three plants in one pot... If those are un-sexed plants you are going to most likely get a male in there, and you will have to cut it out.. This can lead to root rott if you don't pull the roots out for the remaining plants in the same pot as the roots are going to intertwine.. It's a good idea to split them up if possible now


Honestly, the plants in the pot are to close together and i dont wana ruin the entire pot by trying to split each of the plants roots up. I have already accepted the fact that this was a rookie mistake and i have learned my lesson as you can see. Each plant that you are looking at is a single except for the pot we are discussing.



Will i mess up the pot if roots get damaged? or can i lose some roots, transplant the plant and then will everything be okay?


Well-Known Member
I would say sex them now if you can and cut the males.. Root rot could hurt your yield on the remaining plants but it wouldn't ruin your pot persay, you just gotta watch over watering and creting ideal conditions for the rot with the des roots from the Male you cut

And yeah those could all be female, I just prepare for the worst and hope for the best

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
[/quote]Will i mess up the pot if roots get damaged? or can i lose some roots, transplant the plant and then will everything be okay? [/quote]actually, when a plant gets rootbound, you destroy the outermost root tips on purpose when transplanting to stimilate new root growth on purpose. using a rooting hormone would help too, but your case is a little different. you have two plants with each other's roots intertwined. if you want to separate them, it'd probably be best to just cut your root ball down the middle as it's hard enough clearing soil out of a root mass and i bet it's even harder to separate roots from other roots. you'll stunt your growth a little in the short term as roots are what feed your plants, but a healthy plant should be able to recover and grow new roiots. the worst that should happen is that you get a lower yield.


Well-Known Member
To the extent that you can tell from single pictures like this, both plants are hybrids; the one(s) on the right has(have) a bit more sativa genetics.

If you've got three plants in one pot and any turn into males, just chop the stems of the males near the soil and forget about it. This will NOT kill the remaining plants, though they won't do as well as they might have had they been separately potted from the beginning.

Unless these are super-rare plants that you absolutely must separate, I would say do **NOT** try to break apart the plants and separate them.

While its possible to do this without killing each plant (what you do is depot the whole thing, then rinse off the soil GENTLY with a water spray, then disentangle GENTLY), I don't think there is any way to do this that isn't going to stunt the plants growth. Assuming you don't kill them, they will eventually recover from the depotting/repotting shock, but you're going to set yourself back a few weeks, and you'll probably be better just leaving them together in one pot.


Well-Known Member
Will i mess up the pot if roots get damaged? or can i lose some roots, transplant the plant and then will everything be okay?
So long as you're careful, and don't entirely rip up the roots, the plants will recover if repotted. So long as the root systems are developed, you literally could just depot all the plants together, chop through the soil, then repot each of the three. You don't want to rip apart seedlings this way. . .their root systems aren't robust enough yet to handle it.

You're just going to set them back a few weeks in growth while they rebuild their respective root systems.

If you don't mind waiting, and have the ability to grow out multiple plants to maturity at once, this is a perfectly viable option.

The biggest problem with multiple plants next to one another is **NOT** that the roots will compete for space. . .its that the PLANTS will compete for LIGHT. With each plant shading its neighbor, they all try to stretch to the light to beat the ones next to them, and you end up with tall long stretchy stemmy plants.

So if you decide to keep the plants in the same pot, what you MUST do is TRAIN them (ie bend and/or prune them) so that the bulk of each plant is away from its neighbors. I'd bend each of the three away from the center so the stems are horizontal and in a "Y" shape. Then later, you can cull any males, should they appear.