Indica or Sativa?


Hi, I'm new to growing and was wandering if anyone can know if these are Indica or Sativa? From research I know that indicas are bushier and shorter then
Sativas. I'm interested to know what I have.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
There's no way to say for sure how much indica or sativa genetics comprise a plant without knowing it's parents but those are definately mostly indica. The wide, short, serrated leaf blades mean indica. They look like either the soil pH is off a little or they need more food.
hahaha I think it's so cool that I thought it was an indica. all this reading up is paying off! i love this site. really nice looking plants dude! can't wait to see more. how old?


Well-Known Member
It is most likely a mixture of both sat and ind.. From the broad leaf, I would say it's physical characteristics look mainly indica. Depending on your light, they look like they are streatching a bit, or they are showing traces of sativa genes from the node spacing. But if you're lights not close enough that would do it.

As for what kind of high it's going to be? Being a mix, it could be anything from ind to sat, or every mixture between.


There's no way to say for sure how much indica or sativa genetics comprise a plant without knowing it's parents but those are definately mostly indica. The wide, short, serrated leaf blades mean indica. They look like either the soil pH is off a little or they need more food.
Maybe you can help, I don't know exactly what to do about that. I have them in potting soil and just been giving them rain water. What should I do? I been using miracle grow soil and that's it. Have them under 2 75watt soft lights. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
The soil should be enough for now. miracle grow is hard on plants some times.
MG soil has nutes in it, usually it's enough for veg a few weeks..
Sooner or later you'll have to buy more nutes. Depending on how serious you are, you can get some miracle grow formula, it won't be optimal, but it will work, give them less than the box says. Like start with half strength.
Or you can get the real stuff, where in canada are you? I'm in BC, and here hydro stores are everywhere. Look one up at go visit one, and buy some general hydroponics nutes. I prefer the Flora series.. If you live in Canada like you say, as I do, It's no secret he knows what you're there for, he most likely won't ask you what you're growing, as he thinks already knows.. If he does, just tell him you're growing hydroponic strawberries, they are very closely related to cannabis.

Or, just read some threads around here.. There is more than enough info on this site alone to become a master.. And as always, feel free to ask questions, most people here want to help.
Welcome to RIU BTW..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Any Ideas on how I can fix this? I'm using miracle grow potting soil and I have them. Under 2 75watt soft light bulbs. I water them with rain water. Any ideas?
Do you have the MG soil that has ferts in it or without? That would give everyone a better idea of what's going on.


Well-Known Member
ya you cant tell for sure, obviously a mixture.. sativas have skinny leaves and indicas have fatter leaves, but in a really humid environment ur bound to have big leaves for the most part n e ways.. its when it gets really dry u can start to tell thru the beginning stages of flower


Do you have the MG soil that has ferts in it or without? That would give everyone a better idea of what's going on.
I'm. Not sure. I know that it's potting soil. There is a picture of a lady planting flowers on the front of it. I understand fox farm is the best?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The only important tool for a grower is a pH tester. Try to get ahold of a tester for the soil at least. Most soils should be at about pH 6.5. It's a good idea to have both a soil pH meter and a second way to test soil pH like the cheap capsule-type test kits. This way you can verify your meter's readings from time to time. Also, the capsule kits can read soil pH when it's dry, unlike most meters.

Some of the best fertilizers include Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Kelp Meal, Worm Castings, Maxicrop soluble powder, Bat & Seabird Guanos, Fish Emulsion/Hydrolyzed Fish and Palm Bunch Ash. When money is a concern, many of these organic ferts are commonly sold at garden centers in bulk, often for just a couple bucks per pound.


Well-Known Member
These are my 2 girls in MG I use MG tomatoe for vegg and MG Bloom Booster for flower. Started with 1/4 strenth and now up to full strenth. Go MG
Good looking plants you have there good shots 016.jpg