Indian natural marijuana

hi I'm going to india in 2 days and plan to smoke the weed I find here and there. I have somewhere safe to keep it to dry out but what are the steps i need to go through to make it smokeable? thanks in advance


Active Member
Its illegal in India to let you know. Although its illegal in tons of places in the U.S. You dont want to get caught with it there and go to a Indian jail. Its nothing like an American jail.


Well-Known Member
How are you planning on finding this weed exactly? It doesn't just grow all over the place there? It's illegal so to my knowledge its removed if seen usually. The stuff you will find if you go hiking in the mountains is usually very low in THC like most wild strains of cannabis. To make it smoke-able you'd need to first dry it and preferably cure it although that is not absolutely necessary. You'll find the best hash in the world in India as well but you really don't want to be caught with it...
@lolsmokedope hello there... its easy to learn how to smoke in India safely. Just understand understand the system. You may get tips from the residents of Indian Marijuana Community. Im sorry i cant post the link here coz i might get banned so just google it. I believe you are already in india now so hows your trip?



Well-Known Member
LOL That is a terrible idea. You don't want to go to jail abroad. It's not like American jail where you get 3 meals a day a decent bed to sleep in, tv radio, phone calls. You'd be lucky to get clean water. If you're traveling around the world that's awesome. Don't be a dumbass and do illegal shit while doing it.


Active Member
Got a friend who used to workd in Saudi Arabia....He started bootlegging for about 5 months. When he got caught he was sentenced to 3 years and 200 lashings......He said he didnt have a bed and they got fed 2 times a day with a pot full of slop to share among the others...If im getting caught, it will be in the USA