Inddor grow, what to expect?


Active Member
They have 2 round leaves and 2 jagged ones, the jagged ones are a little under an inch long. Is that about right, or should they be bigger?


Active Member
can u help me out?...wat nutrients should i use to start my first plant and how do i use it?


Active Member
I'm growing indoors. I have them in a 30 gallon tote, with a 24" Florecent Grow light about 2 inches from the plants. They are in 16oz foam cups with miracle grow potting soil. I am using 1 plant spike fertilizer stick per cup. I have them on a 18/6 cycle. I don't have an intake fan or an exhaust fan, but I have a 9" circulating fan in the box that runs at all times. I know I probably need more light and better circulation but I am kinda strapped for cash any suggestions are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Where did you purchase your light n how much.
Transplant your plants soon to a small pot....or your roots will have no where to go.


Well-Known Member
very helpfull wes
would you say the distance quoted is correct for the hps lights. I was told to keep the lamp at around 12-18" or as close to the hand as poss without burning. my plants were curling and drying around the edges so i have the light at 2ft away now. closset grown

DISTANCE OF PLANT TOPS TO LIGHTS: Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium bulbs, if not separated from plants by glass or other material between bulb and plants, should be 2.5 feet from top of plant to bottom of light. Fluorescent or glass-shielded MH/HPS: one foot (Monitor temperature at leaf zone to prevent burning; temperature at leaf zone should not exceed 84 degrees Fahrenheit).