Inda-Grow + Aquamist SoG + Vert ScroG


Well-Known Member
Yes great points my man...............but I was also told by my ex that she was on BC........guess what now I'm the lucky .1% according to her:)


Well-Known Member
Not gonna put pics of my kid on here:) But I assure you that it's true..........Nuvaring is what she was on and I was told at PP that they are not 99% effective, closer to 90-92%.......WTF FDA get on that!


Active Member
Not gonna put pics of my kid on here But I assure you that it's true..........Nuvaring is what she was on and I was told at PP that they are not 99% effective, closer to 90-92%.......WTF FDA get on that!
Eh, it's easy to fuck up using the NuvaRing, lab tests are probably 99%, but condoms drop more than 10% in real world application as well. The NuvaRing is never suppose to be removed for more than like an hour or two a day? Neglecting to put it back in after sex (or removing it intentionally) would greatly up the chances of pregnancy... not that this was the case, but...
>Also, that fucking seam on the NuvaRing where it's joined and the ones which are uneven and scratchy, wtfawful. D:<
>IUDs are not much better, fucking vagina strings... why is it the ends of the nylon string (yeah, like cut fishing line) rather than a loop or two? I mean, sha-durr, so pokey!
Contraceptives are all designed with women in mind, everything pleasure related is very much more focussed on women than men... wtf happened there? Shouldn't the "patriarchy" have made everything for male convenience? 50 years on feminists are acting like a male pill is a bad idea (cause we're stupid and will forget?), despite men having invented the female pill.

Haha directing that at bibbles psuagro!
I'll get on it tomorrow, today there was just too much going on, but I'm definitely going to take a comparison photo like this one:

Humboldt DWC

Well-Known Member

Nice work. I think I might have a few tips that could make your life easier. I struggled with pH fluctuations, cyanobacteria, fungus gnats, water temps and figuring out what EC everthing likes.

I absolutely love sure-to-grow! made my life so much easier, no more washing clay pebbles or fucking grow stones, no more deris grinding up and clogging my pumps, no more secretly lugging bags in the house and hauling used stones away and no more gnats (which I credit to the sure-to-grow)
I cut circles out of black and white poly to cover the tops of the net pots (look at my journal) this prevents algae growth.
I used H&G Aqua Flakes and had nothing but cal-mag deficiency and ph problems, ionic was better but cultured solutions is a dream come true. I've been growing in soil since 1998 and made a living this way for many years now. I know nutes pretty well and cultured solutions is the the most simple, cheapest, best thing I've seen soil or hydro.
Also dont micro manage your EC. if its in 5.8-6.3 just leave it alone.
If you're going to use hydrogen peroxide use the 35% from a grow store. (I dont recommend it)
If you already have cyanobacteria then a good tea is the only way to cure it.
Try mosquito dunks to kill your gnats (i'm surprised you have any with sure-to-grow?)

have fun. I need to know what one of these lights will do with some good healthy plants under them.