Inda-gro Induction...


Well-Known Member
Been four weeks. Here are some pics of the girls. SWMBO calls them Sybil cause there is more than one in the pot.

Question 1: Should I veg these a little longer to fill in the front of the screen, or will that happen after going 12/12?

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Question 2: Do I cut out any of these leaves? I already have taken out most of the bud sites under here.

View attachment 2587186
Even though your a Pittsburgh^^^^ fan , I still wish you a great harvest !..............girls look great BTW, keep them green== just like the Eagles:P


Well-Known Member
What you think.

My plants look indica dominant. So I looked up the daylight times for Kabul. I figured that if I start flowering at 13:45/10:15 and shift 15 min to the dark side every 8th or 7th day until harvest. It would almost be like the plant was growing in the Kush?


Well-Known Member
That is precisely the flowering schedule I would run with an indica dominant strain and a 420/pontoon combo.

Kabul in June/July: 14/10. The 15 minute plan may also be of some benefit as August goes to a 13/11. How much this would benefit the yield though would take doing the next run on a straight 14/10 and not making the 15 min adjustment. Definitely worth testing between two runs if you're up for it.

Did you buy a pontoon? Please tell me yes cuz I really want to see this garden come up on that schedule :grin:

When are you planning on flipping?


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested in seeing your paper but photosynthesis occurs in daylight. Suggesting that lunar position has equal or greater import than the photosynthetic processes is not something I've seen vetted in any peer reviewed research that would support what appears to be what your statement is claiming. Of course if I've misinterpreted your statement perhaps you could clarify. Specifically to address what this has to do with an indoor garden where lunar influence is non-existent unless you mean in some sort of plant metaphysical sense at which point you would have lost my interest.


Active Member
Don't be so fast to throw metaphysical under the bus. Although I did it mostly for myself at first I play Beethoven in my tent and the plants love it.


Well-Known Member
Well here's a lesson in not paying personal attention to every single detail in the tent. I had two plug strips in the tent. One was on a timer which is the one the lights should have been plugged into and the other was on the always on for the fan. I told my helper to plug the lights back in thinking (or not in this case) he's plugging them into the same strip we just unplugged them from. Nope. 2 days lights on before I caught.

I hope we don't hermie off this.

anyhew here's day 20

3-27_2.jpg 3-27_6.jpg 3-27_1.jpg 3-27_3.jpg

cmon God I've been good give me pass on this one I promise I'll check every single thing from now on


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to personally educate you chaz, if your interested look into it if not don't. I'm not trying to convince you of anything nor am I trolling for a hammer. Agriculture has been utilizing this since the Anasazi, recorded. It has to do with the gravitational pull shifting, like high tide/low tide, not metaphysical or anything to do with "moon rays". lol
good luck, hope your karma pulls you through

**Oh, I was going to say that if you want to emulate home for a landrace you should focus on the micro climate. $.02


Well-Known Member
thats witchcraft..lololol..... lunar cycles and seasons go hand in hand. The position of the moon and the sun in relalion to earth is what cause seasons to change and tides to rise and lower so there you go.


Well-Known Member
I guess I never paid any attention to the lunar contribution. Never even occurred to me really that there would be an indoor effect. Other than roots on clones have you seen other differences at flower based on the position of the moon?


New Member
faster water uptake on established plants typically, but it can be a subtle effect in soil like i am. i'd expect that it would show easier in a hydro situation where water consumption could easily and accurately be tracked.


Well-Known Member
I never noticed if that had an effect on clones. but i always have clones rooted and ready in 7 days under a single t5 bulb 20/4


Well-Known Member
That is precisely the flowering schedule I would run with an indica dominant strain and a 420/pontoon combo.

Kabul in June/July: 14/10. The 15 minute plan may also be of some benefit as August goes to a 13/11. How much this would benefit the yield though would take doing the next run on a straight 14/10 and not making the 15 min adjustment. Definitely worth testing between two runs if you're up for it.

Did you buy a pontoon? Please tell me yes cuz I really want to see this garden come up on that schedule :grin:

When are you planning on flipping?
Yes I did.

I want to change the light schedule when it gets here. As far as the experiment, I dont think Im anywhere near experienced enough to have a consistent grow yet to make any comparisons. And Im lazy.

Next Im going to try sub's super soil so I only need to water.


Well-Known Member
Hey LQ! The good thing about experience is that it will come and not having to do shit 2 or 3 x makes it easier for lazy guys too!

Day 23 Update: Ladies are looking good so I tossed the Bud Xl today @ 3.8ml/gal. We shall see. The jury is still out but so far I haven't seen any issues with the lights being on for two days and the room is still stankyyy so here's to hoping I've been forgiven.

Definitely seeing tighter internodal spacing and less gaping on bud formation.

3-29_5.jpg 3-29_2.jpg3-29_6.jpg

The branching seems hardier with the 420/Pontoons. Trichomes are beginning to show in numbers. The baby buds are already oily. The top fan leaves are pointing up which I believe to be indicative of happy saturation levels on the canopy and the leaves pointing up to let light get to the lower branches.

3-29_3.jpg 3-29_8.jpg

Haven't hit the 1/2 way point and from what I'm seeing the Pontoon value has been sturdier branches, even tighter internodal spacing than the straight 420 and fuller flower formations.


Active Member
caught a bit of nute burn on a few tips but other than that sweeet! Holy monkee those pistils are doing the mad scientist nicely!



New Member
imo, that amount of tip burn is what you are going for; it means that the plant is right near the max nute strength it can happily handle.

but it might also be the plant suggesting the RH to increase a little bit.

Chaz, what's you temp/RH for day and night? do you have a target Vapor Pressure Deficit that you aim for in the garden?


Well-Known Member
I agree with Spliff. A see a bit of tip burn as the plant just telling me I'm near perfect on nute strength.

Here in So Cal I keep the RH @ 55% week 3-4 and 50% @ weeks 7-8

Day temps stay @ 82-84 with CO2 and night temps @ 68-72

I have never targeted VPD. Now you got me curious as to what you think it should be?