increasing yield ?


Active Member
OK pro's I guess my question is how do I go from 1/2 oz. per plant to say 2-3 or even 4 per plant indoors in soil . What is the easiest methods to do this . I have been keeping humidity right feeding fairly well . No bug issues really . So is the difference i am looking for solely in veg time ? say getting it 24'' tall before switching to 12/12 vs. the 10-12'' I went with this time . I also noticed the clones I got were not symmetrical so will growing from seed help with yields beings space is not an issue to pull males . people say 8ft x 8 ft with 1k watt but I notice when i get the lights as low as i can to the plants it does not seem to want to cover this much area . With the 1000 and 600 hps can i afford to pull them up a tad higher to cover more space with a scrog type grow ? If anyone is srs about helping me with yield . I can post up pics of my current 5 1/2 week in setup .


Well-Known Member
veg time is crucial. Trimming the undergrowth thats robbing the heads of energy is good. Don't cut till the trichs are there.


Active Member
I'm in 5 gal buckets and 25 gallon totes with a plant count of 12 for legalities do i really need more then 1000 and 600 mh/hps to achieve my goals ?


Making sure your plants are happy and healthy is first, if you can't keep them healthy then you are never going to get past the 1/2 oz mark. Not to be cruel but if you vegged them to 12" and only got a 1/2 oz a plant you have a lot of learning to go. Yes you need more light, actual recommendations are as high as a 1000 watt for a 4x4 area, so you would need 4 for that, but if the plants aren't happy it doesn't matter how much light they have.


Active Member
veg time is crucial. Trimming the undergrowth thats robbing the heads of energy is good. Don't cut till the trichs are there.
Yea i am buying a 30x micro scope tomorrow night . But i realise it's too late to really increase yield this grow but would rather not make same mistakes again . will trimming lower branches off and trying a scrog type grow work . plant count is 12 so I don't know if i can cover that much sq feet with the two hoods i have now . Would my yield increase and buds just be less dense if i picked light up higher and vegged longer to get the trellis to cover 8x 12 or so area ?


Active Member
here is a pic of current growDec5a.jpgDec5b.jpgDec5c.jpg what do you think this type of setup can yield and how do you guys think i can improve .


Active Member
I grow in 3 gallon bags most of the time, veg for 5 weeks and usually pull 1 1/2 - 2 zips per plant. Veg with T5 and flower with 600 HPS


I would drop the lights at least a foot. They look pretty happy, if that is only 12 plants i believe it would be somewhere at least an oz a piece, prob a little more from what i can see.
Next time if you trim up the plants within the first 2 weeks of flower (prevents stress doing it this early) getting rid of the shadowed lowers you should get bigger colas. But all in all looks good.


Active Member
I'm rockin a 600 and use 6.6 gallon pots grow 6 plants per hood veg for 3 -5 weeks use fim and supercropping techs and yield average 400 to 600 grams depending on strain and environmental conditions. Use bamboo stakes or try scrog. Or a trellis. Keep light close to tops and clean underneath to focus on top production. Ps read subcools grow techniques and u will be ahead of the curve.


Active Member
Try vegging with a hps or mh for denser growth add a led in flower move lights close the sweet spot is around 20 inches from light for most bud sites if tops yellow move up. I'm about 12 inches from light at closest point. And make sure area is light tight.