Increasing Yield???

Hi Everyone!!!
My friend grows indoors! during flowering Using 2/1000w Hps. with 6 girls under each Light! in 5 gallon buckets, using Pro Mix HP, with 8 1/1/2 inch holes for drainage. 4 in the bottom and 4 1/3 up. he puts them in when they are aprox 24 inches high. Temp is kept at 78 degrees under 12/12. with Co2 at 1500ppm. PH at 6.5. He uses Fox Farm 3 stage {Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching!! }using recomended dosages on Fox Farm website! Watering twice a week. 1/3 gallon each time. alternating {feed}{ water/epsom salt}. But the Yields are Extremely LOW! Like 1oz per! Then he increased Dosage to 2X amount at each stage and it increased yield and potency! His question is How much of a dosage is optimum? and How much is Negative?? And also what other addatives you would recomened to increase to maximize the overall Yield, Quality, Potency, and Aroma?
All opinions appreciated!!!!


Well-Known Member
Never have thought much of scheduled feedings from a company which has no idea what plant I am growing. Every plant is different in their needs and wants to grow and produce the best quality. Also, very few growers get a top qaulity grow their first time with a strain even when they are experienced growing. I don't use any of these premixed soils so I don't know what is in them other than what I have read, but I would assume that FF gives the amounts needed with their dirt. I understand that FF has nutes in the soil mix already, don't know for sure.
The best advice I can give is to keep uping the nutes until the plant doesn't want anymore. You need to learn how to watch and react to the health of the leaves themselves. Like eyes on a person the leaves are the soul to the plant. I do question the use of epsom salts every other watering, seems like a bit much to me. The longer he stays with the same strains the better he will come to understand what the plant needs and wants and when it wants it. I believe this is the biggest mistake made today by growers is trying too many strains before they understand the workings of each strain. I have one strain/clone now I have been growing every other month for over 2 years and I am still tweaking it and improving the results.
Happy Growing and Good Luck

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Canefan is dead on. each plant is different, and each STRAIN has different nutritional requirements. It take a while to get one strain dialed in well. I don't see how those out there doing multi strain grows do it OPTIMALLY.
1 zip per plant is low if he's doing bushes. That's about what I got lollipopping each plant, but then I can put up to 72 of them on a 4x8 table. When I was growing bushes, I got between 3 and 4 zips per. Still not great. The best I got out of a bush was 5.
Yield is also strain related. I had a "skunk" that didn't yield worth a shit, but the smoke was to die for. I regret getting rid of it. It had too overpowering a skunk scent for indoors. Played mortal hell with odor control.
Sounds like he's got enough light, though he might wanna add another 1K to the mix. I have no experience with what I call the "cake mix" nute systems, so I can't tell ya what to do to increase yield. I'm with Cane on that. All I can suggest is that y'all try an organic grow next time?? Mine seemed to be good, and I aint easily impressed. Try some genetics that are proven big yielders as well.


Well-Known Member
tds ph \meter is necessary. if he wants more yield look into vertical. its more complicated needs knowledge and skill but can greaqtly increase yield


Well-Known Member
my thery 1/3 genetics 1/3 setup nutes an stuff last 1/3 is the gardener who is runin the show cause i have seen good and bad