Inconspicuous Enough?

Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone! It's hard not to tell some of my closer friends about it just because it's neat having a secret room like that... but that's why I'm saying it on here. :-D Y'all are my outlet for running my mouth so I don't have to do it with anyone who knows the real me. And no, none of my friends are on RIU! ;-)

About the tracks the casters leave... yeah, I was noticing that myself. Good observation. And I came to the same conclusion of getting a small rug to go there that I can move out of the way when I want to get in.

Thanks again! More updates soon...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Some constructive criticism:
I noticed the "tracks" that the shelf leaves as it swings open on the floor in front of it. Ideally, you could mount the bookcase to the wall so it "hovers" over the floor when you open it... Or I'd just put a rug there or something to cover them that doesn't look too conspicuous.
Props! :-)

HAWK eyes !!! :joint::peace:


New Member
Kudos dude, looks nice, but yeah def get rid of the trim. Im just building my grow room in the basement and i have a good room for it that wont be seen. Plus i got a cop that lives across the street.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know it's there. I don't think our friends are going to be suspicious at all. When most people see that they just kinda glance over it, it's a bookshelf and who's going to be looking closely right?

That's a prime stealth room you built and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.


Well-Known Member
Nice work guy. Really nice. Next issue is going to be fan noise and then flowering smell. The real key is when your in late flower and your buds are over to play. Guess you will spark up something asap when they arive and have some music going?


Well-Known Member
Dude, no one is going to find it. THat is so friggin cool though. I'd turn the grow space into my man cave and live in it for weeks at a time as my babies grew, lol.

Maybe Try and arrange your furniture so that book case is isolated, without it being obvious. Put that plant in the way, move a couch or two just to tighten up the area a little, making it less likely for someone to even be next to it.


Well-Known Member
that is awesum m8 give yourself a massive pat on the back for your stealthy grow room


Well-Known Member
I got it. Put a pot plant in front of the secret door with one cfl light on it..rotate it with the grow room plants in veg....That'll keep their attention from the opening or smell..and if it smells you can blame it on your lame attempt to grow a They will laugh it off while your smoking sweet bud...laughing with em....If they only knew...

Big P

Well-Known Member
looks grate man

I made my room secret too but I used a 20" x 20" intake vent as the door. i crawl through it to access the room

I always wanted to post pics of it too but never did.

would be some bad luck if someone you know saw this thread, but its highly improbable anyway

i would suggest a good smoke alarm in there. specially if you have the lights on while your sleeping



Well-Known Member
good excuse for the wall if someone asks. If your water heater is hidden in a closet of someplace no viewable by public. You might say my water heater went out recently and was relocated there for building codes. I put up the wall to hide the water heater...Period. No body wants to see a water heater.....

Fallen Buckshot

the chuck mangione album cover thru me off for sure .. i would never suspect a grow op behind chuck :P

besides thats ballz out awesome
the chuck mangione album cover thru me off for sure .. i would never suspect a grow op behind chuck :P

besides thats ballz out awesome
LOL... yeah, good call on that one.

Ok, so I haven't done too much since the last update but here are some pictures of the latest and greatest (or latest and ghetto-est... however you see fit to describe it).

I got the main room vent system mostly set up but am thinking of getting another inline can fan for about $30 (for a total of 2 8" fans) to help it push through the carbon filter I made, a'la Panhead's design. Need to pack a little more carbon in the bag so it stays in shape but other than that it's just about good to go. (But since bud is smoked in my basement literally every day the smell isn't too tremendously worrisome at this point... no flowers yet!).


Also, as you can see I have the exhaust of the veg room blowing right to where the input for the main room duct work intakes. Hopefully that will make the warm air's destination a little easier to find! :-)

Another thing I did recently was go and pick up some reflective insulation (like bubble wrap stuff with a reflective surface) I got enough of it do do both the veg room and the bud room for around $50. I made a makeshift little door out of the stuff. It seems to work really well, my plants are loving it.

Oh, and there are a couple of pics of the plants. You can see they've grown up a bit since the first post. :-D


Ok, now this is completely unrelated and therefore should probably go in another section but I felt like sharing my outdoor garden area with you as well.... mind you, there is nothing but good old fashioned vegetables and herbs growing out here!!

In the first picture you can see my rosemary bush in the foreground, right in front of the fence running (running left to right) are a couple of blueberry bushes, and behind that is the bed where I just sowed some seeds for my fall vegetables.... labeled accordingly in the other picture.

And a great discovery! Turns out that I have a crown or two or three of asparagus laying dormant for a couple of years at the end of the garden bed and they decided to become active this year when I tilled!!! :bigjoint:

