Incomplete ballast sent by htgsupply


Active Member
Oh, and one more thought that mom taught me that has served me well over the years...

"You get what you pay for."



Well-Known Member
If I bought a new electric guitar off the internet and it showed up at my house in a non-working condition, I would immediately expect the store I bought it from to:

A. Issue a call tag so that the defective item is returned at their expense.
B. Immediately send a proper replacement via expedited shipping (without waiting for the defect to return).

Don't ask me to fix it, that's not my job.

Don't ask me to send it back at my expense, I didn't break it.

Treat me right, and I'll let everyone know you did and come back for more.

Treat me wrong, and I'll let every person I possibly can know that you did and never ship at your establishment again.

But what really blows me away, is that the owner of a hydro shop is actually participating openly on this board. Dude, you have got balls, big balls. You must need a wheelbarrow to carry those balls around.

Anyone doing business with a hydro storeowner that actively participates on a marijuana growing board ought to have their head examined.


exactly what happened with these guys. they sent the new one out the same day i spoke to them. it was a manufactures defect. the return shipping label came a week AFTER i had my new one. the new one arrived in 2 days. i will use these guys again.......AMS - Ibanez RG350DX RG Electric Guitar with Sharktooth Inlay at


Active Member
see i wasnt going to go there with you....but i see you've provoked it.

first off, your perception of thought-out conversations and intelligence is purely opinionated. everybody is entitled to their own opinion....just like you are entitled to your pitiful opinion. with that said... why in the flying fuck would i give a fuck about you comparing me to joepro in the intelligence field? i laugh at you and your retarded ballast.
I didn't say you'd give a fuck, I was responding to the post you made mocking my post claiming joe has some intelligence, so I responded. That's how forums work.
second, are you implying that i am a dickrider? an ass kisser? brown nosing? well if you are....let me take the time to give you a BIG FUCK YOU dude. I kiss no ass around here. ITS KNOWN THAT I SPEAK MY MIND. I'm blunt as fuck, and i refuse to bite my tongue.... that shit hurts. With that being said... i bet you didnt know that Fdd recently banned me for speaking my own mind. So before you sit here and accuse and assume...maybe you should shut the fuck up and read some. Fdd knows i kiss no ass.... me and him have gotten into a few times, he knows how opinionated i am.
Great you speak your mind with no conviction on an internet forum. I love that attitude IN REAL LIFE because it takes balls, but not on a forum. Instead you look like a pissy half-wit who contributes nothing and rides everyone's ass if it goes against your grain. If you have been banned maybe you should learn from that and cool down a bit, speaking your mind is awesome and I believe everyone should do it, including you. But it seems like your just picking at everything I type and trying to flame it, rather than disagreeing with me or arguing with some research and information your just spewing out slander.

Third, how do you draw some stupid ass conclusion that 'im against them now because fdd posted' all because i said that TONY DOESNT ANSWER HIS EMAIL....... please tell me how you came to that conclusion, because if that isnt reaching and assuming, then i dont know what is.
Okay I'll admit I shouldn't have drawn that conclusion, but if you look at what I typed I used the word "act" not "are". Regardless though your tone and attitude of your posts changed 180 degrees as soon as fdd posted something non-supportive of HTG.
Also i admitted i was wrong, because i had no knowledge of Tony making his own ballast. Shit i wouldnt even attempt or even think about ordering them cheap looking ballast. Learn how to go name brand. You go cheap, you will grow cheap.

Fourth, now i wasnt going to touch on this, but i said hey...fuck it..why not? Okay, you are talking all that shit, but why the hell did you buy a crappy looking ballast in the first place. You cant honestly sit up here and be mad because you went the cheap route and got a cheap product. IF ya didnt know, you get what you pay for..... nothing more, nothing less
Rather than telling me how to go name brand how about you read and ABSORB what is typed in a post if your going to respond. I mentioned earlier I have electrical knowledge and I could have easily built my own ballast, ordered the separate parts from a warehouse and have ZERO suspicion being raised along with a ballast that is better quality than the vast majority on the market. Instead I wanted to support a company like HTG because I think they are doing a great service for our community. I figured worst comes to worst it's a shitty ignitor or transformer which I could replace. Instead the ballast was incomplete which is RIDICULOUSLY PATHETIC to sell as complete.

LAST but not least. LMAO @ forming my own ideas and thoughts and choosing joepro's advice over mines..... you say that like imma cry if you dont take my advice or like i really care if you think im forming or not forming my ideas .... haha i really could give a fuck less.... you're nobody. nobody relevant to me
Listen, instead of reading what I type and making assumptions, how about your respond to what I actually wrote. I have not read a single post by you that is informative or useful in anyway. People like you bring a forum such as this down, there a lot of smart and knowledgeable people in this community. Instead of bashing, posting useless or provoking comments, try to give back to the community with some information or advice that you can give us through research or experience. This is what makes a strong forum.


Well-Known Member

let me know where i can buy one of those online internet emotion meters.

you're killing me. LOL!!!!! i see i must have hit a nerve.... i love the wannabe dissertation you've written for little ol' me. its so cute how you broke down my post and responded to each part...lmao! shows me that you care :hump: im glad to see i've struck a nerve, thanks for boosting my

oh and as far as me getting banned, not contributing and being a 'pissy' or whatever you called it... thas funny. This is coming from the same member with less than 30 post and registered in Feb of 2008. LMAO speak on what you know dude and not what you think. it makes you look hella bad. for all you shit you think you know or say i havent contributed....there will be 10 to your 1 that says i help out and im cool peoples. thanks for trying tho. it would seem as tho you were pitiful enough to search/look up all my post. how pathetic.

regardless when its all said and done. you are wrong, you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong! regardless.

take this shit to a civil court and what would they tell you? you're wrong. learn how to read the return policy and shipping policy.

if it says the buyer is responsible for shipping and return shipping, then that what it is! no but, and if about it. you are basically signing a contract saying that since you are buying my items you understand the terms and condition of this auction/sale.

here, you need to hit this :joint: chill out. if YOU think i've came off too hard/ be it. but such is life.


Well-Known Member
let me take the time to give you a BIG FUCK YOU dude. I kiss no ass around here. ITS KNOWN THAT I SPEAK MY MIND. I'm blunt as fuck, and i refuse to bite my tongue.
ur coming across as a real asshole(yes, you already stated you dont care)on this thread and Im guessing other threads if you have been banned in the past.
FACT, you only said you were wrong AFTER FDDs post-but you did man up!
Its known that you speak ur mind? who?

I call you a jerkoff, because that's what I think of you....jerkoff!-The adventures of ford fairlane.

can't we all just get along?
LOUDBLUNT-fuck no, fuck you and shut ur fuck lips


Well-Known Member

what does this have to do with the topic. hate to be wrong?

reading is fundamental son. i was banned because i spoke my mind, not because imma asshole. speak on what you know, not think. like i said before.... im not an asshole. i just speak my mind. biting my tongue hurts.

*edit* and the reason i said i was wrong, because FDD was the ONLY one who said he makes the ballast, not you, not the OP


Well-Known Member
*reading is fundamental son. i was banned because i spoke my mind, not because imma asshole. speak on what you know, not think. like i said before.... im not an asshole. i just speak my mind. biting my tongue hurts.
I take it you don't unserstand life just yet.....son.
one day you will wake up to see that you went from being the shit into a piece of shit and the only thing that will change is ur point of view, then reality sets in.
what fundamental needs do I need to see that you come across as an asshole? it all of us or just simply you?


Well-Known Member
This story isn't made up, you can look at my ballast and clearly see the wires connected in twist connectors and the light cable was cut too short.

This product was very poor and I am letting the community know.
I didnt say you made up the story nor did i imply it in any way,im saying that from the standpoint of both buyer & seller on ebay is that both sides have their own version of whats true when in reality it's closer to the middle of each.

I hope it works out for ya brother.


Well-Known Member
I didnt say you made up the story nor did i imply it in any way,im saying that from the standpoint of both buyer & seller on ebay is that both sides have their own version of whats true when in reality it's closer to the middle.
There's no middle...he bought it....plugged it in and nothing....Quit trying to cast a grey light on a black and white issue!!!!


Active Member
I received a reply from their ebay store. The store owner apologized and offered partial refund.

I must say the ebay's attitude came across as a lot more caring than the other contacts I've dealt with (besides the dude that helped me at the shop).

I'm pleased they were understanding and stoked that they offered a partial refund.


Well-Known Member
There's no middle...he bought it....plugged it in and nothing....Quit trying to cast a grey light on a black and white issue!!!!
First off im not trying to cast anything,there are lots of unanswered questions here.

Secondly there is always a middle,were hearing one side of the story,it must be 100% true right.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
HTG is getting a rep for selling cheap and faulty equiptment as thier name gets known. They dont answer emails fast by anymeans sometimes never. They knock off hydrohuts they sell ar very cheaply made and they havent researched the equiptment they sell as they didnt even realise the bulbs they were sending werent digital compatible and burn out fast.Growbrite is a chineese mad bulb that is retagged and is not close to its claimed specs. I would assume it wont be long before HTG gets sued for false statements or a homke fire from bad equiptment.I'd tend to stay away since there are many much better places to get your equiptment.. , , all are great sources for quality low cost equiptment.


Well-Known Member
First off im not trying to cast anything,there are lots of unanswered questions here.
Secondly there is always a middle,were hearing one side of the story,it must be 100% true right.
what unanswered questions...he bought didn't work...frickin wires weren't even connected...and they wanted him to pay an additional 30 bucks to ship it back to them...Black and white dude...No need for any BS "Lawyer Talk" about middle ground.....anyways they are giving him some of his money back for his troubles....It's over


Well-Known Member
I still cant believe people actually buy stuff online .... do you know what PAPER TRAIL IS????? not trying to be a spoiler, but better safe than sorry... juswt my 2 cents