Incense "legal weed"?

Well im in the military(dumb mistake) anyway i do smoke but at the same time we get random piss tests, so i try to stick to other things, but then my buddie told me about this stuff they sell at the local head shop called spike 99 or diamond and says it has no THC i have smoked it a few times and its a nice buzz. There isnt much info about this on the internet i was wondering if u guys have any thoughts?


Active Member
Well im in the military(dumb mistake) anyway i do smoke but at the same time we get random piss tests, so i try to stick to other things, but then my buddie told me about this stuff they sell at the local head shop called spike 99 or diamond and says it has no THC i have smoked it a few times and its a nice buzz. There isnt much info about this on the internet i was wondering if u guys have any thoughts?
I've never tried that stuff, but shisha gives ya a pretty good buzz and its tasty too.
but its funny to me it kinda seems that the government found a way to legalize because it looks just like broken up weed with no seeds and gets you high haha
nah i smoke salvia that is some lame overpriced chemical that last 5 mins the stuff im talking about lasts about 5-7 hours for 1 bowl its more of a head high makes me good at bowling lol bowled a 201 yesterday :)
but dude this is what im saying, its legal. no THC. now dont get me wrong i love the green but its for like people in the military or probation lol. Keep people out of jail

juju bee

There's a new kit I just heard about called "The Spice K2 style incense kit" that claims it can make two full ounces of legal buds just like K2 Summit and Spice Gold for only $150.00 and was wondering if anybody has checked it out? I'm actually hoping it's the real deal, but just want to hear from others before I plunk down the cash. Two ounces is equal to around 56 grams, that would be a butt-load of incense. I might just take the plunge and get it, but damn really would like to hear from others.

juju bee

I was looking for a way to make jwh spice incense and found this kit called "the Spice K2 style incense kit" that supposedly makes two ounces just like spice gold or k2 for only $150.00 and was just wondering if anybody has checked it out? It sounds good to me, but I just wanted to hear from others before I plunk down the cash. I mean 56 grams is freakin' a butt-load of incense, hope it's the real deal. I might just take the plunge and get it.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy it while you can, they are trying to get it banned alot of places. It supposedly is getting very widespread now and people keep having bad side effects and require medical aid. Thats what they say at least. In the article it was saying its 25-40 an oz, where are you guys getting yours? look around and you should be able to find a better deal, their were like 3 different stores in 3 southern states they talked to about it and thats the price range they all gave. Good luck guys.