
I need more light for my plants, but I can't get anymore cfl's yet. Would it be better to put some incandescent lights on my plant for now? I figure the more light, the better.


Active Member
Incandescents are more efficient at putting off heat than light. Use for as little time as u can


Well-Known Member
use em for now, but the cfls are substantially better.. the regular bulbs are inefficient as fuck..
yes, for the amount of energy they use, they put out very little usable light....

Incandescents are more efficient at putting off heat than light. Use for as little time as u can
yup, these things just suck balls, they are really hot ! but if you have to use them for a few days its ok. But CFLs are cheap. the dollar stores have them. The one by my house has 2 for a dollar from time to time.....(the 13 watt ones, but still)

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