Inattentive Guerilla - Another Uncertain Newbie


New Member
Started my plants indoors in April, transplanted outside in May. Males grew really tall, girls are no more than 3' tall. They started flowering in Mid-August Magic Beans (2) 08-20-13.jpg
A month later, they're filling out 09-14-2013 (1).jpg
A lot of growth in the past 10 days ....DSCF1012.jpgDSCF1016.jpg
I'm guessing the girls need another week or two to mature but I'd feel better if an expert would weigh in. Also, why aren't my girls frosty? (No idea what the seeds origin is) They smell great & from watchin them so intently, my eyeballs are sticky!


New Member
any experts?? Bump... Ladies look nice by the way.
Thank you, but I look at the frosty shots on this forum & I'm soooooo envious! I guess the seeds I had weren't from a great quality strain. The guys shot up really fast (til I yanked them); the girls are soooo short.
Yes, experts ... I've dabbled over the past 30 yrs but never got serious ... I'm so anxious to harvest just afraid of doing it too soon or too late!!!!
This girl is just 4" tall ...DSCF1024.jpg


Well-Known Member
A couple comments:
1) Get yourself a jeweler's loupe..a 30X magnifying glass. Check the trichomes, general rule of thumb is about 50% cloudy white and 50% amber colored trichs. However your personal taste may vary, in that more white and or clear trichs give a more sativa "up" type buzz; if you have the majority as amber then its generally more indica couchlock type high.
2) Harvest a couple buds from a lower branch and quick dry them, smoke and you'll get an idea of potentcy. However it will be harsh cuz it wasn't cured.
3) I harvested a grapefruit kush last month...never really smelled very much when alive or in the jar; however when I ground up some month long cured stuff....heavy actual grapefruit smell

They look good though. Not the frostiest but not bad really
Thank you, but I look at the frosty shots on this forum & I'm soooooo envious! I guess the seeds I had weren't from a great quality strain. The guys shot up really fast (til I yanked them); the girls are soooo short.
Yes, experts ... I've dabbled over the past 30 yrs but never got serious ... I'm so anxious to harvest just afraid of doing it too soon or too late!!!!
This girl is just 4" tall ...View attachment 2832856
Get one of those pocket microscopes, often called a jewlers loupe i think. When the trichromes (hairs with resin drop on) are mostly (2/3) cloudy you harvest. Also you can go by red hairs being 2/3 red.


New Member
Yeah, not frosty but real sticky ... just went out to defoliate a few large fans & ooops! accidentally pulled off a bud ... it stuck to my fingers. I'm gonna let it dry a few days & try it. It's just so exciting, I'm having a hard time leaving it alone. The time it takes to cure will certainly be an impatient time!


New Member
I've learned today that flowering can be as long as 2 months. The girls started in mid-August so, I'm guessing I've got another 1 - 3 weeks to go. What do you think Cranky?


New Member
Waiting for harvest is scary exciting ... feels alot like having sex for the 3 rd time (yes, 3rd - 1st, ya dont know what to expect; 2nd, ya know what to expect, but don't know what to do; 3rd time .... got it ... want it again!)